my wedding is in July--need accountability


I'm coming back to MFP because it helped me with accountability and learning what I ate during college. Now I'm back, this time as a bride (July 2019)!!

I'm a procrastinator AND an over-achiever, which means that I'm very busy and tend to put a long list of priorities above the ambiguous "lose inches and tone," and I'm looking for others who are in the same process and/or great accountability partners to keep me on track.

About me:
I live in New York City, am 28 years old, and work as a social entrepreneur and strategy consultant. Coffee is my vice!

In the next couple of months, I would like to lose inches (one dress size, more or less) and build my strength back up. Then, I'll want to tone the muscles that will be in photos (including honeymoon photos...)

I eat clean, mostly GF and DF for GI reasons, chicken and fish with an occasional steak, probably too reliant on tofu. Newish owner of an instant pot. I've been in that "last ten pounds are the hardest to lose" stage indefinitely, even as I've gone on and off different foods, but this is the time to make some radical changes to make my body more happy--and in time for those wedding photos.

Anyway, that's my comprehensive and public announcement--please hold me accountable! :)

Anyone else getting married this year? Are you in the dress shopping process? What are your goals?


  • Janelb10
    Janelb10 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm getting married in May! I need to lose 10-15 pounds and also tone up. Add me! Let's help each other! Also, I'm doing a "Bride getting fit DietBet if you want to join! I can pm you the details if interested.
  • shannana
    shannana Posts: 10 Member
    Janelb10 wrote: »
    I'm getting married in May! I need to lose 10-15 pounds and also tone up. Add me! Let's help each other! Also, I'm doing a "Bride getting fit DietBet if you want to join! I can pm you the details if interested.

    Hi there! Congrats and thanks--I'll add you to learn more.