What was your.....



  • love the pic daveytrouble and the reason...lol.
  • i think i really realized it when I didn't want to wear heels anymore. I used to feel so sexy in heels, then when I put them on I didn't feel girlie anymore :( I had no desire to wear them. there were several other reasons, like feeling my tummy come over the top of my jeans (worst feeling in the world i think) ... do you guys have a minute??! ha. when my massage therapist up and mentioned if i wanted to lose 15 lbs i could cut out some things ... some people can say some of the most hurtful things without realizing it. And I am really not that overweight .... maybe I will post the most hurtful stuff later when I burn off some of this torturous fat....
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    i think i really realized it when I didn't want to wear heels anymore. I used to feel so sexy in heels, then when I put them on I didn't feel girlie anymore :( I had no desire to wear them. there were several other reasons, like feeling my tummy come over the top of my jeans (worst feeling in the world i think) ... do you guys have a minute??! ha. when my massage therapist up and mentioned if i wanted to lose 15 lbs i could cut out some things ... some people can say some of the most hurtful things without realizing it. And I am really not that overweight .... maybe I will post the most hurtful stuff later when I burn off some of this torturous fat....

    People feel free to say some of the most horrific things. My worst was when I was walking on a sidewalk in front of a store and three bratty little kids were walking behind me, oinking. That was about 6 or so years ago. I can only hope they are overweight teens now! And I get the last laugh, because, MY massage therapist always tells me I have an incredible muscular system. So, stay with it. Change does happen and you will feel great.
  • When my wedding band was too tight! I refused to have it resized! I decided to resize myself instead!
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    I had started looking for a vintage wedding dress. They biggest ones were still about 5 inches too small for me. I said whatever, I'll have to get a new vintage inspired dress instead. Then I went on vacation.

    I was looking at my vacation pictures from Hawaii. My thighs were full of cottage cheese and I had a big pot belly that I proudly showed off in my bikini. I was thinking I was looking good. I thought wrong. No wonder all those dresses are to small. I started logging everything I ate and then joined MFP soon after. Now my inches are to the point where I can fit into some of the larger vintage wedding dresses but I'm still about 2 inches from the dream dress.
  • hhan
    hhan Posts: 74
    Mine was going on my first major plane trip. I realised I couldn't lower the table into place and on looking around saw other fat people that could. It was a wake up call, that combined with a few other timely events was the spark I needed take action. It still took me a couple more months to work out how I was going to do it but I'm getting very close now to that 100lb loss goal.

    The motivation to keep going turned out to be easy, as I noticed some of my personal health markers improve dramatically. I realised that I too had "given up" on my life previously but now can celebrate it and reveal in reaching good health markers.
  • kdm97
    kdm97 Posts: 111
    My Aha moment came when I was looking at pictures taken on a cruise I had gone on. I did not like the person I had become and I knew that only I could change it. So I'm beginning this long journey but the journey begins with one step and I'm willing to go the distance

    Good Luck to all on their journey!!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    A family reunion, when I saw cousins with medical and physical issues and then an aunt had a stroke 2 days later. I could see my future if I didn't make a change.

    Very slowly losing, but I can now do up my own shoes with ease, put down the table on airoplanes, and am able to park far far away and walk to the shops.
  • Mine was finding out that I weighed more than I had when I was 9 months pregnant .
  • malvakai
    malvakai Posts: 32
    When I lost my job at the same time I quit smoking I was very depressed and gained a lot of weight. My aha moment was hitting 300lbs. I'd gained 60 freaking pounds and I was overweight to begin with. Now I'm on the right medications and I'm not as depressed, the sun is shining and I'm feeling good walking to the gym.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    We made a demo video for my karate school and i saw myself next to my runt of a cousin.
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    like a lot of other people, my realization came while looking at a photo. it was taken at my sister-in-law's baby shower, and i'd thought i'd looked cute that day. i check the full-length mirror every day before i leave the house and... that picture looked nothing like what i thought i'd seen in the mirror.
    but the picture's more accurate -- people in day-to-day life don't see me the way i see me in the mirror, posing and with the right angles... they see me candidly and at all the wrong angles, just like that camera did.
    quite a wake-up call.
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    First was seeing pictures my sister took of me when she was visiting I was like I'm not THAT big. Second was my Dr telling me if I keep going the way I was going that I would be on heart/cholesterol meds and diabetic. At that time I wasn't on any meds.
  • What really woke me up honestly was being dumped by my ex-boyfriend, who was my 1st boyfriend, 1st love, 1st kiss and first everything and having to deal with the fact that one of the reasons he left me was because of my weight. He'd had lost 60lbs before having met me and so he tried helping me lose weight during the 1.5 year that we were together but, I just wasnt mentally ready to make that lifestyle change and instead I gained 40lbs while we were together which I know had a huge effect on my relationship. He had become less attracted to me, he valued me less (i felt) and in the end he started crushing on another girl (who is thin). We broke up and he is now dating her...

    Losing him made me realize how problematic my weight had become and I decided to finally change my life right then and there. The gym was the perfect place to go and feel good about myself and it also gave me something to do instead of stitting at home crying over my ex. I started working out literally a week post breakup and I weighed 235 at 5'3''. Now im currently 187 and I will not stop till I get to 130 :)

    I cant wait until I reach my goal weight, have higher self confidence and KNOW i am beautiful inside and out and meet a guy who will appreciate me, feel like hes got the best girl in the world & will never want to let me go. Also I cant wait for my ex to see me and realize hes made a huge mistake ;)
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    sister-in-laws wedding pictures. then weighing myself and realizing I gained another 20 pounds after putting on 30. yeah.........:ohwell:
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    A few things all at the same time - 1 looking the mirror and actually being disgusted, not just unhappy but really dusgusted by my own body!

    Health issues that popped up that were uncomfortable and painfull. Id already had some health problems from my weight gain but even though they were painful i lived with them, but the extra health issue was the last straw.

    No more uni as an excuse, no more iratic lifestyle, and less stress - time to stop using those an excuse and get up.

    Was job hunting and trying to change my life - new outlook , new job, new me, no more bad stuff!

    My motivation definetly comes alot from this site! this has really got me "into" diet control and exercise. i was doing it already but now its like my new addiction, my new fb, its something that is really becoming a big part of my life.

    also my family, we r all not the healthiest and im helping them to get healthier. my sister is having a baby and she was told her weight might be an issue and has had to make changes to her eating habbits - that motivates me i want to be healthy when i have kids. my own desire to look good, my partner, and wanting to make the changes to my life to BE a fitness junkie not just aspire to be one. also recently diagnosed with a medical condition that is something i'll be dealing with the rest of my life and healthy diet and exercise will make a massive difference to my maintance of the medical condition.