Anyone feeling like they're struggling?

If meeting your health goals was easy, everyone would be doing it, so it's understandable to feel as if you're struggling through this journey.

I have been back and forth on MFP about 5 different times over the last 5 years, and I'm finally here to stick with it, and I just want you to know that if I can do it, so can you!

Never give up - the only person who puts limitations on what we can or cannot accomplish is ourselves. So give yourself the credit you deserve and never stop reaching for greatness.

Is something not working for you? That's OKAY. Everyone's bodies react to things differently; we metabolize differently, respond to foods differently, so if you're trying something that isn't working for you, do not be afraid to change it up and research other options. There is no lack of diet/exercise plans on the Internet, so keep going until you find something that works FOR YOU.

Not until every door has been closed, are we allowed to give up.

I believe in you, because you had the strength to be here, to start this journey. It's not something that everyone can do.

Hang in there, keep moving forward, and grow as a person. Listen to odd ideas, try new things, expand your thought process.

You absolutely can do this. You are here for a reason, and you're going to go far.

Let's make 2019 our year!
