Top 5 Fitness Investments?



  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    Oh YEAH! I can't believe I forgot - food scale. I'm pretty sure mine was less than $20
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member

    1. HRM
    2. a good pair of shoes and workout clothes that BREATHE. i am so much more comfortable now.
    3. MFP! i spend soo much time on here.
    4. resistance bands
    5. a good pair of headphones :D

    i didn't list gym membership because it's free through my health insurance.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    1) Gym membership
    2) Trainer
    3) Heart rate monitor
    4) Food scale

    I can't come up with a fifth! So I'll just say it's gym clothes that I feel comfortable and confident in.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Mine is a food scale.

    Totally agree! This should have been on my list too. I use my food scale everyday.
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    Sneakers and a trainer (in addition to the gym membership)
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Great thread!
    My top 5 include:
    1. MFP without a doubt!
    2. HRM
    3. Digital food scale
    4. Skipping the middle aisles at the grocery store; skip the pre-packaged food
    5. Great workout DVD's... my fav is P90X

    Good luck!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    1. Gym Membership
    2. Knowledge and application of said knowledge
    3. Proper nutrition
    4. Desire / Drive
    5. Willpower
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Good shoes and a sports bra are the only things I think are essential.

    The rest are nice to have but not necessary if you don't have much to spend. I don't have an HRM, dvd's, trainer, gym membership or any of the other stuff, and I've lost more weight than ever before, and I've gone from a couch potato and occasional walker to a keen runner.
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    This website would be my first investement...... even if it's free, you still have to keep up with it to make it work, so it's an investement!!
    2nd would be my dog. I haven't been the best mommy in excersising her so she's my motivation to get out walkin.
    3rd would be my bike. Hubby bought me one after we moved here so we can go explore!
    4th would be the purchase of "The Firm Express" that i just made and plan on starting tomorrow! I hope it works!!
    5th would be my Iphone and all the free apps i've been downloading (MPF being the 1st!!). I can hook that straight up to my tv if i want just a quick workout. I'm hoping this combination will get me where i want!!
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I agree with almost all of these, but have to add a Foam Roller. I don't know what I'd do without mine at home. They're cheap too.
  • Lolamako
    Lolamako Posts: 89 Member
    My Gymboss so I can do BodyRock.TV workouts!! I also LOOOVE using it for HIIT jumping rope and running. Something that hasn't costed me a dime is my TIME investment into MFP, the number one best thing I have done(fitness wise)

    Edit to add; I've heard good things about the knock off of P90X, Supreme 90. MIght be worth the $20. (just noticed Azackery posted before I edited my post, she's the one who posted about Supreme 90! I'd never heard about it before her post)
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    My list:

    1. 200+ workouts. A huge percentage of my workouts is Tae Bo. That's my number one workout. I can't wait to get PT 24/7. I'm doing Supreme 90 Day right now and I like the program.

    2. Excerise accessories: Weights, Stability Ball, Weighted gloves, Weighted Vest, etc.

    3. George Foreman Grill (indoor)

    4. Pedometer

    5. Body fat scale
  • futurefitgirl88
    1) my heart rate monitor (sooo motivating to look at the calorie burn jaysus!!!)
    2) trainers ( love my nike trainers!!!!!)
    3) exercise dvds (when I do not feel like running outside)
    4) gym membership (which I don't have anymore, but that helped me lose weight. i did classes at the gym such as body attack!! freakin crazy calorie burner)
    5) weights at home (to use with cardiosculpt by billy blanks)
  • cindybickler
    cindybickler Posts: 113 Member
    1. healthy diet. it's not cheap : )
    2. good shoes
    3. turbo fire and zumba
    4. gym membership with lots of different classes
    5. friends with the same fitness goals to support you and have FUN with!!!

    a good friend and i used to go out for dinner once a month to stay in touch then we started zumba classes together, Now it is a huge group of friends, we joined the gym, we get together workout, challenge each other and have a blast!!! priceless!!!
  • lifeinabite
    To me has been:
    1. good shoes
    2. MFP
    3. Turbo Fire or Turbo Jam workouts at home (I'm not a GYM person)
    4. food scale
    5. This I don't have yet, but I really want is a HRM

    I've done great so far with those!!
  • Cara2Me
    Cara2Me Posts: 60
    I agree about the running shoes. I also have joined a wonderful workout group. The supportive members have been an inspiration! However, I am considering purchasing the PX90 system to aid in my training. Has anyone used it and can help me decide if it is worth the money?
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    I agree with the non $$$ investments....MFP/time/supportive network of friends/plenty of water.

    Now for the monetary investments:

    1)Food scale......makes you aware of portion sizes...( I use the USDA nutrient value site also to check values of foods and enter in MFP database)

    2) DVDs .... Got most of them at yard sales or cheap at Wally World.
    ----Love Leslie Sansone walking programs. I use regularly, not just for inclement weather days, and she gets you going at a fast clip. She does from 15 min - 10 min miles = 4mph - 6mph rates( 'gentle jogging' )
    ---The Firm (I have a few of their recent them)
    ---Jillian's Ripped in 30Days
    ---Turbo Jam/
    ---Richard Simmons dance tapes are fun also.

    3) Proper food ...this can be expensive compared to cheap pkgd foods but is SO important.....go to farmer's market if have one near you....grow own herbs and veggies (can do small container garden on a deck....greens/tomatoes/cukes do well, I also have broccoli/eggplant/ peppers in containers.)

    4) Good footwear

    5) Hand weight set....2# to 10#

    I start my day with 2 glasses H2O then 1 exercise DVD and 2-3 miles with Leslie then a shower and breakfast..... That way I have a jump on my day and it gets me going without worrying if got time to exercise.Sometimes may have to add exercise later if I go over cals with eating.
  • PalmettoparkGuy
    PalmettoparkGuy Posts: 212 Member
    Running shoes.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Gym membership (previously the Y before I moved, which is great because they income base your fee) and currently the community center which is really reasonably priced) and a good (key word - GOOD) heart rate monitor. I paid about $100 and have used it nearly 5 days a week for going on 3 years!
  • Michellerw1
    For me, I have a few cheap implements that make it possible to do all of my working out at home.
    1. Good trail running shoes
    2. Jump rope (best cardio/coordination/quick work-out tool)
    3. Resistance bands
    4. 5-10 pound hand weights
    5. Bicycle (not really cheap)

    I bought my resistance bands at Ross and they have a book of excercises; they are good for stretching as well as light weight training. A bicycle can be expensive, but doesnt have to be, and depending on your situation you can run errands on it or ride to work which saves gas and gives you a workout. I buy trail running shoes so that I can use them for running and hiking.

    Also, if you have a community college nearby, check on gym use, classes, etc. I took a spin class for 17 dollars (for 10 weeks) and at mine you can take a gym "class" which gives you access to the gym, an instructor to help you and set goals, and it was about 20 dollars for the quarter.