Who is on or has tried the HcG diet plan?

I'm not asking because I am interested in starting it- I'm just asking out of pure curiosity.
I know that it can be taken orally or through a shot, and that you usually can only have 500 calories a day but what else?
What do you eat? (I don't understand how you can eat only 500 calories and not be hungry)
Do you really lose more weight on it?
Did you gain weight back when you stopped taking it?
What kind of side effects did you experience?
Would you recommend it to a friend?
Did you need/or could you get it through prescription or is it over the counter only?

Purely curious!


  • wendyd247
    I tried the HCG diet for about 2 months I did the shots every morning because they told me I would have better results. In the first month I lost 15 lbs. So does it work yes, BUT this is the catch. You are only eating anywhere from 500-800 calories a day. You normally have a shake for one of your daily meals (They have their own shake stuff $$) then they have a recipe book that you are supposed to eat from ( which is the lowest calorie veggies and meat, and i am pretty sure there are no carbs from what I can remember). Also because your calorie intake is so low they frown upon working out while on the diet. This I did not like at all, but I didn't have the energy to work out anyway. The 2nd month my weight slowed down drastically, so I asked what I could do to kick it up and their response was to replace two meals with a shake. So at this point I was only eating real food once a day. I am not a Genius, but even I figured out this was not good for my body, and why am I gonna pay hundreds of dollars a month to starve myself I can do that for free! As far as the shot I have no idea if they really worked, I didn't feel any different on them other than being weak from not putting any fuel into my body. I quit after the 2nd month and never looked back. The weight did come back and pretty quick. I was putting my body into starvation mode, so just as soon as I starting eating normal my body held on to it like a precious commodity. Obviously this is just my experience on the diet, maybe someone has had success on it, it just wasn't for me.
  • dmw907
    dmw907 Posts: 14
    I paid $70 for some drops at GNC and did the 500 cal per day VLC diet. I lost about 20 lbs in one month, but I gained it right back. Recently I have been juincing fresh fruits and veggies for 2 meals of the day, drinking a low cal protein shake and eating only raw veggies and maybe one fruit a day, I have lost 25 lbs in the first month this way and I feel better and have way more energy. I even cut out all diet sodes and coffee. I would recommend a more natural approach and plus you are able to get more nutrients by juicing fruits and veggies then you would ever be able to get my eating the HCG diet
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Terrible idea... pure and simple.

    I honestly don't understand how people go for this kind of thing.
  • SidNZ
    SidNZ Posts: 6
    I've tried it with the drops. It worked pretty well for me. I lost about 16lbs in 2 weeks. I felt so much gratification to step on that scale on a daily basis and watch the lbs fly off. I ate 1000 calories even though it said 500. I didn't gain any back for a long while, but I found it extreamly hard to stick to it, so it stopped working and I wasted the bottle. Since I eventually gained it all back, and then some, i don't think I'll try again or recomend it. I know no one wants to hear it, but there is no magical way to lose it. You have to work for it.