Are there any Australians out there?

carolww Posts: 143 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I'm in Brisbane, Australia and was wondering if there are many other aussies out there?


  • heypen
    heypen Posts: 3 Member
    I'm from Oz too, but I live in Italy, so don't know how much help that is to you. :ohwell:

    But if you just wanted to know that you weren't alone, well, you most definitely are not. There must be lots of us here because I've found some things entered into the database that only an Aussie would put, like Haigh's chocolates, and the obvious vegemite.

    Good luck!
  • carolww
    carolww Posts: 143 Member
    Penny, lucky you living in Italy. I lived in London for 11 years before coming back, and I loved Italy. Looks like you are doing well though. Its funny being in the community, as I am definately in a different timezone to everyone else. I know there are Aussies out there, I keep finding things in the food DB that I think "no way is that going to be in there". So are you getting sent Haighs chocolates and vegemite from home?
  • Hi
    I'm from the UK and moved to Perth been here 8 years.

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