Quitting my gym!



  • JohnGym
    JohnGym Posts: 34
    I've been hearing about weight training and have steered clear because I don't want huge arm muscles. I won the bowflex in the divorce, so I guess I'll start using it LOL. Seriously, my son uses it every day and he's sharp :).

    It is hart enough for a man blessed with testosterone to gain huge muscles. Just ask the guys on this forum.

    Women have significantly lower testosterone levels than men. You will not gain any sort of unsightly muscle mass. Will not happen.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    While I agree with weight training, I also believe cardio has much more benefits than just fat loss alone.

    Cardio makes me high. LOVE IT. Endorphins are awesome.

    Weight training is so important though. I'm not 100% right with it as I'm terrified of the free weights and stick to the dreaded machines. But my thinking is machines are better that nothing! Saving up for a PT session.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    considering the heart is the most important muscle of them all. Cardio HAS to be important. Its all very well having great abs and biceps but if youre not exercising your heart by cardio, then youre losing one of the main points to exercise imo
  • caprica
    caprica Posts: 80 Member
    you could try P90X ....
  • victoriawil
    victoriawil Posts: 21 Member
    Now, I'm only moving to a little flat, and I'm only in London, and I genuinely enjoy running. I use weights at the gym, but obviously won't have one to go to! Investing in some free weights is a good sea, and think I might also spend some of the money I save on some good outdoor running gear, including waterproof trainers... Definitely enjoy the cardio too much to exclude it, and have found it the most effective for me personally in losing weight...
  • JohnGym
    JohnGym Posts: 34
    considering the heart is the most important muscle of them all. Cardio HAS to be important. Its all very well having great abs and biceps but if youre not exercising your heart by cardio, then youre losing one of the main points to exercise imo

    The heart and lungs are exercised during weight training. Do a set of barbell complexes and tell me how you feel or what your HRM says.
  • seyran
    seyran Posts: 43
    I agree, I wish it was that easy for women to gain muscles..
  • martinh78
    martinh78 Posts: 601
    In reply to JohnGym - thanks for your answer.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    considering the heart is the most important muscle of them all. Cardio HAS to be important. Its all very well having great abs and biceps but if youre not exercising your heart by cardio, then youre losing one of the main points to exercise imo

    The heart and lungs are exercised during weight training. Do a set of barbell complexes and tell me how you feel or what your HRM says.

    why are you so against cardio if she said she wants to take up running, whats the problem?
  • JohnGym
    JohnGym Posts: 34
    considering the heart is the most important muscle of them all. Cardio HAS to be important. Its all very well having great abs and biceps but if youre not exercising your heart by cardio, then youre losing one of the main points to exercise imo

    The heart and lungs are exercised during weight training. Do a set of barbell complexes and tell me how you feel or what your HRM says.

    why are you so against cardio if she said she wants to take up running, whats the problem?

    I am agaist cardio because it is innefective for fat loss. It is great for weight loss, but that is not the same thing.

    I wish the OP all the best, as I do everybody on here. :-)
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    go for it! i plan on running this fall/ winter
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    considering the heart is the most important muscle of them all. Cardio HAS to be important. Its all very well having great abs and biceps but if youre not exercising your heart by cardio, then youre losing one of the main points to exercise imo

    The heart and lungs are exercised during weight training. Do a set of barbell complexes and tell me how you feel or what your HRM says.

    why are you so against cardio if she said she wants to take up running, whats the problem?

    I am agaist cardio because it is innefective for fat loss. It is great for weight loss, but that is not the same thing.

    I wish the OP all the best, as I do everybody on here. :-)

    lol, its just as effective for fat loss as any sort of exercise. Running isnt purely cardio anyway, its weight bearing. it builds up leg muscles, arm muscles, its one of the best all round exercises you can do. Its a great calorie burner.
    By all means enjoy your weights, Its great exercise, but that doesnt mean all other forms of exercise are ****.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    considering the heart is the most important muscle of them all. Cardio HAS to be important. Its all very well having great abs and biceps but if youre not exercising your heart by cardio, then youre losing one of the main points to exercise imo

    The heart and lungs are exercised during weight training. Do a set of barbell complexes and tell me how you feel or what your HRM says.

    why are you so against cardio if she said she wants to take up running, whats the problem?

    I am agaist cardio because it is innefective for fat loss. It is great for weight loss, but that is not the same thing.

    I wish the OP all the best, as I do everybody on here. :-)

    lol, its just as effective for fat loss as any sort of exercise. Running isnt purely cardio anyway, its weight bearing. it builds up leg muscles, arm muscles, its one of the best all round exercises you can do. Its a great calorie burner.
    By all means enjoy your weights, Its great exercise, but that doesnt mean all other forms of exercise are ****.
  • JohnGym
    JohnGym Posts: 34
    considering the heart is the most important muscle of them all. Cardio HAS to be important. Its all very well having great abs and biceps but if youre not exercising your heart by cardio, then youre losing one of the main points to exercise imo

    The heart and lungs are exercised during weight training. Do a set of barbell complexes and tell me how you feel or what your HRM says.

    why are you so against cardio if she said she wants to take up running, whats the problem?

    I am agaist cardio because it is innefective for fat loss. It is great for weight loss, but that is not the same thing.

    I wish the OP all the best, as I do everybody on here. :-)

    lol, its just as effective for fat loss as any sort of exercise. Running isnt purely cardio anyway, its weight bearing. it builds up leg muscles, arm muscles, its one of the best all round exercises you can do. Its a great calorie burner.
    By all means enjoy your weights, Its great exercise, but that doesnt mean all other forms of exercise are ****.

    I'm sorry but this is incorrect. Running is the least effective form of exercise I know of for permanent Fat loss.

    Running does not build muscle other than the basic muscles required to run. Once at a level to operate, that is where the 'building' as you put it, ends.

    Cardio is seriously catabolic. It robs the body of lean tissue, reduces BMR and develops the skinny fat look.

    Read the many pages here for more info.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    yeah, i must admit, its horrible seeing all those obese marathon runners all the time.
    And me and all my running friends on here. So enormous. :laugh:

    If you google long enough, you can find any whacko ther=ory to support what you want to believe. As i said, im glad no cardio works for you, but if she wants to run, and its convenient for her, its worked for many many people.
    I like the running only builds the muscles required to run.
    ANY exercise only builds muscles required to do that particular exercise
  • JohnGym
    JohnGym Posts: 34
    yeah, i must admit, its horrible seeing all those obese marathon runners all the time.
    And me and all my running friends on here. So enormous. :laugh:

    If you google long enough, you can find any whacko ther=ory to support what you want to believe. As i said, im glad no cardio works for you, but if she wants to run, and its convenient for her, its worked for many many people.
    I like the running only builds the muscles required to run.
    ANY exercise only builds muscles required to do that particular exercise

    It is a shame you don't understand.

    Yet again you fail to distinguish between weight and fat. So it goes.

    I am fed up of knocking my head agaist this particlular brick wall.
