Anyone else dealing with an eating disorder?

hollychristine Posts: 124 Member
edited September 18 in Motivation and Support
I survived Anorexia and bulimia 8 years ago this March. Being overweight is very new to me and its not easy to diet because I have to be careful that I don't fall back into old habits. 10 years ago I could have dropped 10 pounds in less than a week, but there was always that risk of death. I would like to know if anyone else can relate. People say, "I wish I could be anorexic" or "can you teach me to throw up?". I understand that they just don't know how horrible my disease was, but it's easy to get offended. It would be nice to connect with someone who understands the seriousness of recovery, and help through the difficulties of being at the "other end" of the scale. In a way I feel like a failure to the anorexic world, but then again I narrowly escaped death. Now I'm obese, I just wanna be regular, ya know.


  • hollychristine
    hollychristine Posts: 124 Member
    I survived Anorexia and bulimia 8 years ago this March. Being overweight is very new to me and its not easy to diet because I have to be careful that I don't fall back into old habits. 10 years ago I could have dropped 10 pounds in less than a week, but there was always that risk of death. I would like to know if anyone else can relate. People say, "I wish I could be anorexic" or "can you teach me to throw up?". I understand that they just don't know how horrible my disease was, but it's easy to get offended. It would be nice to connect with someone who understands the seriousness of recovery, and help through the difficulties of being at the "other end" of the scale. In a way I feel like a failure to the anorexic world, but then again I narrowly escaped death. Now I'm obese, I just wanna be regular, ya know.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I, fortunately, have not had that end of the spectrum eating disorder but my mother has and my only advice is to really work on getting healthy for the future because my mom still tries to do extreme dieting at age 54 and it has only caused her to end up at over 250lbs.

    Perhaps there is a support system with a nutritional counselor in your area that can help you loose weight and not fall into deadly habits again. You may want to call your doctors office and speak to a nurse and ask for referrals to any such help. Sorry if I didn't help much but you are on the right track, trying to get healthy in the right way!
  • Ive never been anorexic or bulemic...but I can understand where your coming from. Just keep thinking positive and you will get through it.....
    Think of the little train that could!! :wink:
  • MrsTomy
    MrsTomy Posts: 504 Member
    When i was in highschool i had a really hard time with food. I was never medically diagnosed with an eating disorder, but i would go days at a time without eating. Whenmy friends and family began to notice I started making a point to eat in front ofthem. Apparently, i really enjoy eating because slowly but surely i became overweight. I have a hard time balancing dieting and overeating. I don't feel like my diet is good enough unless i feel hungry, but then i just go back to overeating agian.

    one of my good friends an di have made a pact to lose the weight, so i'm gonna! I'm making more of a point to exercise than anything else. 1200 cals a day plus exercise 3-5 days a week. i know this way will take longer, but it will be healthier and hopefully maintainable! If you need any advice or someone to talk to please let me know!!

    Good luck!
  • I have struggled with bulimia for years. I find this difficult too. Anytime you want to talk.....
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    I, too, am a recovered Bulimarexic and as you know, like alcoholism, it's a disease you will probably have the rest of your life. I have been recovered for 17 years, and after having my son and gaining 80 pounds, I almost resorted to my old ways. As you may well know, anorexia and bulimia have nothing to do actually with food itself, but with control (or the lack thereof) in your life. I'm sure your therapist went on and on with this issue. :grumble: I'm here if you need to talk.:flowerforyou:
  • jbuehrer
    jbuehrer Posts: 285
    I had exercise bulimia... it's an addiction that I had 2 years ago... I didn't know what it was until I passed out at Cedar Point. I was exercising every calorie that I consumed... I didn't leave a single calorie for my body to live on. I was thinning fast and everyone was telling me how great i looked... I was so addicted to exercise... I went out for hours at a time running, walking, weightlifting. I ate a bowl of cereal in the morning, broccoli for lunch, and a PBJ for dinner and I let myself starve at night. It was easy to say no to sweets and cheese. I thought i was doing good... but since i didn't have any calories to fuel my body, calcium for my bones, or protien for my muscles my body just gave up. I gained double my weight back faster than i lost it with the help of my husband and parents. I lightly exercised 6 months later but i ate what I wanted. I definitely have my appetite back. Now I am doing things slow... It's hard not to convert back. But i have plenty of support to not do so.:happy:
  • hollychristine
    hollychristine Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks everyone.
    I recently went to Medical Weightloss, but they turned me away because of my history. I don't have health insurance, so getting help from a true qualified proffessional is a little out of my reach. Its really frustrating that I need to do something but I just can't. This site has helped because I was able to see how off my diet was. I'm way to sporatic. I just haven't taken care of myself very well in the passed few years.
    I'm committing now to taking time to myself FIRST, then taking care of everyone else. Just that has been an instant energy kick. Now that I know I'm not the only one with this problem I feel even more energy.
    Good luck to you all.
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