Up three pounds and wanting to quit!

bloombaby Posts: 10 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
When I started dieting about three weeks ago I weighed 165 pounds. WIthin a week and a half I had dropped to a staggering 157lbs. Today is weigh in day and guess what? I GAINED three pounds. I'm back up to my devil weight of 160. I've been fighting tooth and nail to get below 160 for almost three years! The only time I ever got below it and stayed there for a while was during the first 3 months of my pregnancy! Morning sickness is a great weigh loss regime. So, now I'm depressed... and I'm thinking, why not just give up? I'm fighting an uphill battle anyway, right?


  • bloombaby
    bloombaby Posts: 10 Member
    When I started dieting about three weeks ago I weighed 165 pounds. WIthin a week and a half I had dropped to a staggering 157lbs. Today is weigh in day and guess what? I GAINED three pounds. I'm back up to my devil weight of 160. I've been fighting tooth and nail to get below 160 for almost three years! The only time I ever got below it and stayed there for a while was during the first 3 months of my pregnancy! Morning sickness is a great weigh loss regime. So, now I'm depressed... and I'm thinking, why not just give up? I'm fighting an uphill battle anyway, right?
  • weight fluctuates, that's why it's recommended that you weigh in once a week only. I wouldn't suggest giving up, why did you come here in the first place? To get healthier right? Well it's not easy and it's full of ups and downs. As long as you are losing weight, or at least fat, on average... who cares if you gain a pound or two every now and again, chances are it's just water anyways.
  • Don't Give Up! There is a good chance your body is just readjusting from such a big loss. If you continue watching what you eat and exercising, it will come back off. Weight loss is all about gains and losses. You just have to stick with it!
  • yes. the scale is so evil. I barely use it, and I measure my inches instead. It probably is just water weight. I remember the first week I lost alot of pounds and the next week i gained like two back. I just figured it was water weight because I've been losing ever since.

    dont quit!!!
  • What is giving up going to do? Won't you just gain more weight once you're back to unhealthy eating?

    This isn't going to be a fast process, but you're making a whole lifestyle change, so this is a reward for the rest of your life. Things like this happen to everybody. You're not alone.
  • debmac63
    debmac63 Posts: 459 Member
    No, don't quit. I felt like quiting too since I've went from the 1st of January with no weight loss at all. I'd go up and down but on weigh in day I was the same. But today I got on the scale and weighed not only 3 pounds lighter but I'm now in the "Overweight" category. Sometimes our bodies have to catch up with what we're doing and sometimes we have to shake up what we're doing...but hang in there, the weight loss will come if we eat sensibly and get enough exercise. We're all in this together!
  • thejarviclan
    thejarviclan Posts: 465 Member
    Eight pounds in a week and a half is highly unusual (and not very realistic.) I bet some of that was water and it floated back on. But you're still down 5 pounds! That's far more realistic!

    Keep plugging away, it's coming off!
  • jim_weldon
    jim_weldon Posts: 23 Member
    don't quit. You may notice I don't have a ticker. If I did, it would be depressing. I started (really started) Jan 5th. I was to lose 1 pounde per week. I should have lost 6 lbs by now. I have lost two. Actually - I have lost the same two pounds three times now! You can't quit. You know this is the right thing to do - and by posting on-line, you prove it to yourself.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    When I started dieting about three weeks ago I weighed 165 pounds. WIthin a week and a half I had dropped to a staggering 157lbs. Today is weigh in day and guess what? I GAINED three pounds. I'm back up to my devil weight of 160. I've been fighting tooth and nail to get below 160 for almost three years! The only time I ever got below it and stayed there for a while was during the first 3 months of my pregnancy! Morning sickness is a great weigh loss regime. So, now I'm depressed... and I'm thinking, why not just give up? I'm fighting an uphill battle anyway, right?

    Thats just those sabotage bunnies...your at the point we all get to you know where we have to make a choice to stick with it and knock them out during kickboxing or just give in again...I suggest eating very light this weekend ..low sodium and really sticking to your allotted calories...its just a hurdle but you can push through it and come out 2X lighter...you gotta fight for it..Boost up that excercise routine and go for it!! I wish you much success.....:drinker:
  • Dont listen to the scale..it lies..according to it, I havnet lost any weight, but my pants sure fit better and my hubby keeps telling me by butt is smaller....so ignore the scale like a mean girl who wants to cause drama...
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Are you sure this is really what you want to do?

    :heart: Love yourself no matter what.:heart:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I had the exact same problem this past week and guess what it came right back off in a matter of days.Drink lots of water and grab a few cups of green tea and it will help release that water weight your body may be holding.Thats what my body was doing and as soon as I upped my water and drank some warm green tea my weight went down the next day.You may just be retaining water :sick: .I know I do.Just don't give up I have those kind of days too.YOur worth it.You can do this!!
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