Unusual Workout Buddies. Who’s yours?



  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
    Went hiking with my son last year on Mt. Umunhum (which translates to Hummingbird Mountain) and the hummingbirds were too fast for us to take pics of them, not to mention it was quite a brutal hike :D
    Afterwards looking at the pics I saw a speck above my left shoulder and zoomed in and there was a hummingbird!
  • sophia162
    sophia162 Posts: 115 Member
    My kids' dog is my workout buddy.


    Those selfies on the bike with him/her gave me life! Cutest thing I saw this week <3
  • cowsanddogsarecute
    cowsanddogsarecute Posts: 156 Member
    I wish i had a doggo for my workout buddy but i'm stuck with my flatmate @biancasmn2 lol. We pokemon together.
  • My kids!!! I have 3. My 8 year old used to sit in his carriage and watch me teach when he was 6 months old until 18 months. The studio didn’t have daycare and on Saturday mornings i taught a muscle class.

    Then my daughter who is now 5 also grew up with me working out and teaching. I prepare my classes in my basement and they both love to help me, giving me ideas etc. they know what tabata is and lift weights with me. (2 lb dumbbells i have for them)

    The baby is 2 and he is used to it as well. Sunday is yoga day and he loves to do it too. Even puts his palms together in namaste and “breathes”.

    I am a firm believer in children mimic what you do.

  • jenn6113
    jenn6113 Posts: 3 Member
    My 11 year old son...he helps me make sure I dont miss the gym and if he had it his way we would live at the gym. We also get pointers from this guy all of the time. 57uq465azqze.jpg
  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
    There was a hawk calling out from the very top of the pine tree and also saw a great blue heron on my 10k trail run today, they didn’t seem to mind me running by them!
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    edited March 2019
    Other creatures of habit...same people, same time of day. The get in-get out crowd makes me feel more motivated (prefer the get in get out crowd over lonely home workouts...not because I want people to watch me but give some sort of belonging knowing others have the same mindset).
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    Before Michele Scarponi died a neighbor's macaw named Frankje would frequently join him on his rides. Link to a Eurosport video (that is apparently not region restricted).
  • NCK96
    NCK96 Posts: 146 Member
    For years my labrador and I ran together, but she's 12 now and prefers short, slow walks.


    One time this huge unleashed dog ran over and joined in on our neighborhood run. I kept looking around for his owner and figured he would eventually get bored and head home, but he didn't. He ran along with us for 4 freaking miles. More than once he dodged in front of moving cars and relieved himself in neighbor's yards, and I got a few dirty looks from people because they assumed he was mine! When we finally arrived home he tried to come into the house with us and I had to shoo him out of my garage. I did give him a bowl of water to cool off and hope he eventually found his way back home.

  • no1elseislikeme
    no1elseislikeme Posts: 69 Member
    This silly girl! She will plop down next to my yoga mat almost every day without fail and demand pets and attention. Because I work out to YouTube videos, I’m often facing away from her and she’ll make noises behind me to get my attention and act super cute.
  • lemonwater1
    lemonwater1 Posts: 72 Member
    This post is adorable! My sister and I were jogging once when a goat 🐐 appeared out of nowhere and ran along with us! It went with us for a while and neither of us really knew what to do. It was making funny sounds and seemed happy. Then suddenly it walked away. 🐐