The journey to fit continues...

Hi everyone!

Last year I faithfully journaled and lost 50+ lbs. I truly felt I had myself under control until I allowed life stresses and the holidays trip me up. I ended up gaining back about 14 lbs. Well, I'm back! The out of control me really started to make me feel as if I was completely failing in this journey again and all the negativity did was make me more out of control. Until today! I started journaling again and brought healthy food back into my home. If anyone wants to buddy up and do this together, please friend me. My take away from the last couple months is that not journaling is NOT ever going to be an option for me. This needs to be a lifelong habit of accountability in order for me to not only get to goal but to stay at goal. Have I failed? No I didn't. I only gained 14 lbs instead of all the weight I had lost. I've got this!!! We've got this!
