Pregabalin & weight gain šŸ˜¦

So two weeks ago I started Pregabalin for sciatica. I have read they cause weight gain šŸ˜± I need these tablets as with them Iā€™m in zero pain however do I continue with them or look for a alternative xx


  • daringxdreamer
    daringxdreamer Posts: 41 Member
    Hi emmabellabell! I've been on pregabalin for my fibro since August of this year. I found that at first it did make hungrier. I gave into it and was pretty inactive due to the fibro so I did gain some weight. But now I've found that it's kinda evened out in my system and I don't feel as hungry as I used to. I found that drinking lots of water throughout the day plus having snacks built in between meals has helped me a lot. I also have started small with exercise. I've been doing some walking (on my good days) to supplement the PT that my doctor prescribed and I'm already seeing some results on the scale. Hope this helps! :)
  • emmabellabell
    emmabellabell Posts: 14 Member
    Omg!!! Did you find you were really thirsty all the time too!! Xx
  • daringxdreamer
    daringxdreamer Posts: 41 Member
    Very but I never felt like drinking anything. I realize how weird that sounds lol