Rejoining Wholeheartedly Group

Hi there. I noticed that there are quite a lot of us who have rejoined MFP lately. I was wondering if we might want to form a new group to help support each other and exchange stories and such. Let me know what you think.



  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hi there. I noticed that there are quite a lot of us who have rejoined MFP lately. I was wondering if we might want to form a new group to help support each other and exchange stories and such. Let me know what you think.


    Very cute !!
  • cindy0716
    cindy0716 Posts: 135
    love that picture !
  • posbey
    posbey Posts: 200 Member
  • lemonlime1
    lemonlime1 Posts: 48 Member
    count me in - I havent actually rejoined, but Ive been away for three or four short breaks over the holidays and cant seem to get a good run at it. Any joint motivation can only help us!
  • Eboncat
    Eboncat Posts: 3
    Count me in too. I need some encouragement - maybe we can all help each other.
  • NannyMagnolia
    Wow … looks like there’s some interest in this group. That’s Wonderful!!! Everyone is welcome to join in. I've invited everyone to be my friend here on MFP. Please don't feel that you have to accept but if you do that would be great. So what coaxed you back to getting on track at this time? For me, well I’ve had a few things bothering me like plantar fasciitis and arthritis and IBS and the doctors are telling me some weight-loss will definitely help with all of that so I have that to keep me focused. Also, I’m turning 50 in March and I plan on celebrating some place around the Mayan Riviera so I need to be more fit to do all the things I want to do there. But the main reason I’m coming back at this time is … I have my first grandchild coming in January, I’m more than excited and I want to be able to keep up with the little rugrat. Now, tell me your story.

  • lemonlime1
    lemonlime1 Posts: 48 Member
    my motivation this time is my 5 year old son - I got a letter from the school saying he was overweight, and this holidays has really shown me that he has my bad eating habits. We snacked meals for the first couple of weeks, and I could really tell he had gained weight. Im trying to teach him to eat properly (which he does during school time as he has three meals a day) and eat more healthy choices.
    Also - my back has been killing me this week - my husband is nagging me to go to the doctor about it, but I know they will say its my weight. My mum has the same problem, and her problem is weight too. She has other health problems linked to her weight, so if I want to have a future without the same problems, I need to do something NOW!
    I'm sure we can help each other to stay motivated - you will certainly need the energy when your grandchild arrives!!
  • NannyMagnolia
    Good evening all. How's everyone's day going? I was off on vacation time for 5 days. Today was my first day back to work and it has wiped me out. I'm plain old pooped. Had a good walk today so tonight I'll relax with a couple of episodes of Fringe. I'm watching the first season with my BFF who's been staying with me while she recuperates from surgery ... she got me hooked. Such a weird and wonderful show.
  • NannyMagnolia
  • NannyMagnolia
    Good Evening all. It's been a great day for me. I stuck with healthy choices, I walked out in the fresh air, and to top it all off and the best thing of all ... my BFF received test results saying she's Cancer Free. Today life is good :happy: Tomorrow is my first weigh in since I re-joined MFP ... here's hoping that goes well also.
  • NannyMagnolia
    Woo Hoo ... this was a good week ... lost 3 lbs this week. First time in forever that the scale went in this direction. Hope all is well with you.

  • NannyMagnolia
    I'm kind of feeling giddy this morning. It's been a great week. I found out my BFF doesn't have Cancer, a hummingbird has started feeding from the feeder I've had up for a year, I lost 3 lbs, and my daughter found out the baby will be a girl and she's coming to visit me for the weekend. I don't know how much more grateful I can be. I hope everyone has a wonderful wonderful day.