Your Ticker Better Set on Short or Long Term Goal ?? Help!

Anyone thought of resetting their ticker to their short term goal rather than their long term goal weight.

My starting weight is172.

I set my long term goal weight as 134.

I'm considering setting it to 165, then, 160, 155 and slowly adjust to it psychologically.

It'd be very motivating to see that slider move closer to a goal then, another goal.

Folks, any ideas??

Wish we could have more than one ticker.


  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Anyone thought of resetting their ticker to their short term goal rather than their long term goal weight.

    My starting weight is172.

    I set my long term goal weight as 134.

    I'm considering setting it to 165, then, 160, 155 and slowly adjust to it psychologically.

    It'd be very motivating to see that slider move closer to a goal then, another goal.

    Folks, any ideas??

    Wish we could have more than one ticker.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I have it set to long term but I do short term 10lb has really me something to aim for...:flowerforyou: maybe get one of these ticker factory ones and set it to short term
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Sure, I have plenty of opinions and ideas!! (most I keep to myself:wink: )

    When I first signed up here Jan 08, I did my stats and quit! Once I realized I was 60 pounds overweight by the national standards, it blew me away.

    In June I decided to lose 5 pounds. I was squishing out of my 14's and I refused to buy 16's. So I somehow came back here and decided to use this website.

    I set my goal to lose 5 pounds and followed the web site 'rules' to a T.

    When I hit 163 I changed my ticker to my full goal of 110(natl perfect wt) and freaked out each day-looking at 53 pounds. So instead I set it for 10 % of my original weight. Ahhh, this I could do.

    I have since changed my overall goal for 130 with muscles! When I hit that I will decide to if I want to lose more.

    I change my ticker when I want because this is all about motivating ME!!!

    :flowerforyou: Heal you are a postive force on this site. Thanks for that!
  • MellyG426
    MellyG426 Posts: 91 Member
    I had done long term, but my weight loss is going slowly as of right now. So the other day, I decided to put my ticker to my mini goals- and now it just makes me happier with any weight loss. I think its all up to what makes you feel better. As I accomplish each mini goal, I am just going to lower my goal weight, so in the end all the weight will be shown in my ticker. Its all psychological I tell ya!!! Have a good day!:wink:
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    I just reset it to short term goals just now of 165.

    I breathed a sigh of relief.

    Wow! I'm not sure why but I feel a lot lighter somehow. Like a burden lifted off my brain or something.

    Seeing the red heart almost close to half way between sw and 1st short term goal is a sigh of relief.

    I've been reading a book called One Small Step Can Change Your Life and I think it is affecting how I see goalsetting, progress and success.

    This will be what I stick with. As soon as I get to the green part, I'll lower the goal weight by another
    5 lbs.

    So, it'd be 160 next, 150 next.......eventually down to 134.

    Slowly and surely wins the race in my mind. And, I do know that it's in my mind's eye, vision, and belief that I have to get it their first before it manifests in my physical terms in my body.

    Yeah, I've thought of doing this since I joined Jan.31. Somehow, starting this thread finally made me do it. What a relief. :heart: :happy:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    YEAH! that is wonderful. I think for me, I need to eat my elephant in small bites!:bigsmile:
  • Thamber
    Thamber Posts: 194
    Thats so great!

    I think its very important that we focus on knowing ourselves and what works for us while still being open minded enough to test things to see if they work for us or work for us now because we may have changed since the last time we tried.

    I toyed with this idea too in the begining but it just didnt seem to motivate me as much as seeing the bigger picture. I do break down other goals in my life though that are just too emotionally overwhelming for me so I know that this strategy is great and I know exactly what you mean about the weight being lifted when you only have to focus on the smaller task in front of you instead of the big one.
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Hi All,
    I actually joined MFP b/c of the tickers. I spotted them on BLC league and thought, wow, love those tickers especially the big numbers of lbs lost, what is this MFP I wonder, then, I came and saw all the tickers and was blown away of instantly seeing everyone's goals/progress.
    I thought of setting it to mini goals every day here on MFP since I joined Jan.31.
    Yeah, just now, I breathed a huge sigh of relief seeing that little heart out of the red zone and into the yellow zone, closer to the green zone, and almost at 1/2 the mark.

    Thank you all for your insights so far. Welcome others too. It's good to know what motivates everyone and keep the momentum going.

    Myastyme, I know. I know. I've got TF/tickerfactory tickers too of additional goals. Very motivating.

    Arewethereyet, tks for saying I'm a positive force on MFP. Very kind of you. Everyone here are just so awesome. I'm so grateful I found all of you here on MFP. Tk goodness for Mike for creating it. Tks for sharing your success strategies to know what you did. So 10% of your weight till you got to 163? And now, towards 130.

    Madblu426, you too? Happier too. Yeah, I really feel it. So true. So true. Psychological.

    Sundrun, tks, yeah, I feel many lbs lighter. A burden lifted off my shoulders. Oh you too? Thought of it too?


    Before it seemed so far, now it seems so close. A mini goal. Then, another mini goal. I'm so excited!!!
    This is what will work best for me!! And I'm going to love accomplishing many mini journeys!! :happy: :heart:
  • HealthyKt78
    I am officially moving my ticker to reflect the short term goal of 250. After that it will be for 200. And then my goal weight of 150!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I set mine for my long term goal, I find for me it helps me to stay focused, it in no way intemidates me.
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    I am officially moving my ticker to reflect the short term goal of 250. After that it will be for 200. And then my goal weight of 150!

    Hi fatty78,

    Really? You did too? Oh, that's so cool. How do you feel? It feels very different doesn't it?

    What did you have it set on before?

    I mean look at that little beautiful butterfly, it's flying so close to the middle mark, and so far from your starting weight!! !!! :happy:

    Pretty neat you picked out your next goals already! :happy:



    Tks for your thoughts. Good for you. Keeping moving to that beautiful rainbow!! :happy:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I think tickers are a lot like getting ont he scale. some folks prefer to do it once a week, some do it daily (or more:blushing: ) whatever works for you, is gonna be best for you! I like seeing my whole goal on my ticker, but I totally understand the rush of setting and hitting mini-goals! The important part is finding what will keep you going and sticking to it!:flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I am officially moving my ticker to reflect the short term goal of 250. After that it will be for 200. And then my goal weight of 150!

    Hi fatty78,

    Really? You did too? Oh, that's so cool. How do you feel? It feels very different doesn't it?

    What did you have it set on before?

    I mean look at that little beautiful butterfly, it's flying so close to the middle mark, and so far from your starting weight!! !!! :happy:

    Pretty neat you picked out your next goals already! :happy:



    Tks for your thoughts. Good for you. Keeping moving to that beautiful rainbow!! :happy:

    thanks, keep up your great work also.
  • Thamber
    Thamber Posts: 194
    Yes I thought of doing it when I first joined because I was a little overwhelmed but my first month seemed to go so fast and I was losing fast so I left it. Feb I slowed down a lot and honestly I reconsidered this lol ( great minds think alike right) but this morning my scale suddly dropped and my remaining goal seems doable now!

    I think everyone has different things that either overwhelm them or motivate them. For me business goals and stuff I have to do daily are hard for me so I really need to break it down or I would go nuts lol.

    I'm around 171 -172 now too :) and my goal is anywhere form 125-140 ( I have it set for 130 just so I have a focus and because thats what I used to be) so we are getting closer yay!
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Right way = you can wrap your mind around your goal
    Wrong way = it freaks you out and you stop even trying

    I set mine to my first goal, which is set at a BMI of under 30. I'll still be overweight, but hey, my BMI will be in the healthy range! Then I will evalute. To see 100 or more pounds on that was something that for me I couldn't even wrap my head around, it just freaked me out. So I set a lower goal, still hefty, but with a specific goal (that BMI!) to work towards.

    So whatever works for you. And if you try something, and it doesnt work for you, just change it! :wink:
  • claireashby
    mine is set to my overall goal i think i would feel disheartened if it kept moving back up and down than tracked me in one go

    its interesting to see what everyones personal preference is though!
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    This is very interesting to find out everyone's thoughts on this. Tks everyone. I just love all the tickers on this site. It's why I joined when I spotted a few on the web on different sites. It so makes sense to me and very motivational to be able to see everyone's goals/progress in an instant. And the fact, that it can be customized with a different image inside!! Mike is a genius!! Tks again for sharing your thoughts !! :happy: :happy: Good luck to all!!
  • plussizemommy
    I've set mine to my ultimate goal but I don't even look at that, rather I just break it down in mini-goals but my ultimate goal is always right there reminding me of what I'll someday be again!
    Right now, I'm just working on hitting the 15 pound mark (hoping to hit that goal this week) and then it'll be 20 and so on! But, I want to see my ultimate goal!
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I need to lose 100 pounds,but I will be happy & much healthier at 50-75 pounds lighter.
    I set my ticker at 41 because that's what I need to lose before summer to hit a milestone & I think then my goals will be closer together.
    I think I can do 41 in my time frame if I stay focused. I think it will take me a long time to hit the ultimate goal, & I know I would lose interest if I didn't see quick progress.
    That's just me & my short attention span.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I just reset my ticker for my goal to be 130 lbs instead of 120!! I think this will show that it isn't that far of a journey.