Bye-bye gallbladder, bye-bye salad?!



  • sivyaleah
    sivyaleah Posts: 51 Member
    I had mine out about IDK, 15-20 years ago something like that. The only food that I had trouble with was nuts of all kinds. Found all of them very difficult to digest so I avoided them for many years. I can eat them now but I limit the amounts. I find even almond milk is an issue, does not sit well with me at all.

    Never had a problem with any other foods, certainly not green leafy foods. Like others mentioned, everyone is different but typically it's high fat foods which are the problems.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    Had mine out about 8 years ago. Fatty foods make my side hurt pretty bad. Recently per a doctor I’m taking Ox Bile with every meal. It’s a capsuleq and I’m feeling relief. No side pinch. No rushing to restroom an hour later. I’m also taking probiotics.
  • AmyC2288
    AmyC2288 Posts: 386 Member
    I had mine out several years ago- I remember in the first few months afterwards I did have trouble with fatty and greasy food- but that faded away and I've never had any additional issues! I think this just depends on the person! There are supplements out that there that may help, but I've never really looked into them.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I had mine out years ago and eat all types of lettuce with no problems but my sister had trouble with iceberg lettuce and not romaine. Maybe try some different types and see if that helps. Also I love shredded cabbage which might work as a substitute for you. Good luck.
  • Jendoeshair07
    Jendoeshair07 Posts: 1 Member
    I just recently had mine removed in Nov 2018. I am still learning what bothers me and what doesn't. I haven't ate a salad yet because I've been told by others that had their removed to be careful. I have however ate things like sandwiches that had lettuce on them and it was a bad idea. I'm not sure if it was the lettuce or what but I'm blaming the lettuce. And as of recently coffee! I have always been a huge coffee drinker. I'm going to get ox bile to try and see if it helps with anything!
  • twdlove89
    twdlove89 Posts: 95 Member
    I had my gallbladder removed about 2 years ago, it was badly infected and now I suffer from acid reflux and bloating very easily.
    If I have too much bacon in a day OMG I think I’m dying.
    I’ve been taking digestive tablets to help with not having a gallbladder. I take one tablet with a small meal but if it’s a takeaway or a heavy meal or if I want bacon twice in one day 😂 I have like 2-3. Usually helps
  • scherylboughton
    scherylboughton Posts: 1 Member
    I have had mine out since October 2000, thus far I seem to fair well with everything I eat but every once in awhile if I eat something that I shouldn't my stomach burns and is painful- I will say that I sometimes have trouble with lettuce or leafy greens and spicy foods or rather spices in general such as, Ginger, Cinnamon and Oregano but none of it makes me run to the bathroom after consumption. Lord I will never forget the pain that the gallbladder caused....I was literally laying on the emergency room floor.
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    Done a fair bit or research on this for personal reasons, but not an expert. But from what I've learned so far...

    ...gall bladder deals with fat digestion, so anything with fats can (but might not be) an issues. Meats, dairy with any fat remaining, nuts, oils, avocado, etc... Or things WITH fats, like salad dressings, breads, crackers, chips, and so on. I know a few folks who went nearly no-fat vegan before they finally felt better.

    ...that said, it does not deal with other kinds of foods, typically, to my knowledge. So if there ARE other food issues, it is very unlikely to be issues from the gall bladder removal.

    So going back to a doctor to get some help is generally a good idea if there is problem with any foods other than fats.

    For example, celiac disease causes certain nutrient deficiencies, and the gall bladder is a common organ that is damaged by it. It can also cause damage to the gut, which can make it difficult if not impossible to digest many foods, not just gluten. So someone can have a gall bladder removed because of damage from celiac disease, but if they don't get the disease diagnosed too, then they are still going to have trouble.
  • chynadoll828
    chynadoll828 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm getting my gallbladder taken out in two weeks so all of this is good to read. I have had the worst attacks and I am now on a strict diet to make sure I don't have another one before my surgery. I've been thinking about what I will and will not be able to eat after it's out but it's so hard to tell since it varies a lot from person to person.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,708 Member
    I had my gallbladder out 9-10 years ago. I dont recall salad being an issue, I eat a salad with spring greens every day for lunch. Fried foods, on the other hand, are a different story. Last time I had French fries I felt awful. I don't usually have fried foods so it could've been that too.

    My mom has problems with milk products. She had hers out about 40 years ago.
  • pdxwine
    pdxwine Posts: 389 Member
    I had my gallbladder removed many years ago. I know what you are experiencing and for me, it has gotten must better.

    There aren’t particular foods that set me off anymore, but I still do know that when Mother Nature calls, I have to answer right away.

  • tpounds84
    tpounds84 Posts: 1 Member
    This may be old but very relevant to me right now I had my gallbladder out on 6/9/22 and was sick for a week then got a huge appetite including salad until my thighs started to cramp up to the point where I was falling often and my pain lvl came way back I went to the ER 4 days ago to find out my bial was leaking past the surgical clamp and the void in my body had filled up so they put me in the OR right away to wash it out and install a stent I got sent home today after eating pancakes at the hospital and I thought salad would be a good low fat lunch and well I got sick right away and have 3x since today even water just before looking this thread up I guess I am not touching greens anymore and taking it easy and try a meal replacement drink low fat in the morning
  • spayne729
    spayne729 Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 29
    hi there. Super old thread but I needed help so glad I found this. I have had digestive issues, IBS and gastritis and gained weight fast over 5 years. I was getting vertigo, marks on my tummy, other issues almost weekly. Found out, by (15) doctors giving up since I had been poked and prodded for 5 years every 6months, (hormone, heart, vein, thyroid, diabetes, or anything else wrong) it must be in my head but I could not give up during covid. I got so the vid for 30 days, lost my taste & smells for 10 months. Finally someone listened and checked my urine. Turns out it was insulin resistance !!!!! For two years I went strict low carb reversed my entire health. It was amazing and I dropped 65# but my new doctor was rude, she replaced mine that went on maternity leave and decided not to come back, New person still called me obese when I was 164, 5'5" and just lost 64# never said I did a great job for reversing heart health, everything, but hey good news you can go back to eating normal. UMMM WRONG. She ruined me and I did not know until too late you should never say that. She should have weaned me back but she did not. I started getting sick again, got back to back E.coli, infections, flu like symptoms often, gained 30# back and just felt worse. Then my gallbladder broke. Turned out removed I had Biliary dyskinesia so half of it was completely hard from chronic inflammation. I am assuming from food since I was always sick prior to pancreas overload and insulin reverse. Maybe it was culprit entire time and my body just did deflection of symptoms and issues. I went through so many doctors(15), procedures and surgeries to feel better and it was a simple test everyone overlooked so I felt like she wronged me. Now 2 years this month, I am gallbladder-less and I feel bad again. I decided I will go back to my kinda strict low carb, but cannot eat healthy food or I am in bathroom so fast and all the time, liquidy. I have to do gluten free now or I get hives and stiff to walk. I am hoping my levels are not screwed up again since I was in the normalcy for heart, everything but I am back getting heartburn and attacks again. I used to pass out often from vasovagal syncope disorder turned out from eating beef and now it is back but sometimes with too much gluten. I recently this week, had should pain so bad from gas, then my anxiety kicks in making my back seize up worse with worry. I keep myself up at night worried I will die. I feel weak and it is just because of BM's nothing heart related so it is scary until I go to the bathroom. It is like it is getting stuck in my body and others think I am overreacting but my body feels bad and it is physically exhausting.

    I just needed to get it off my chest as I always am worried about what can I eat and not get sick now and I am almost 195 again and my doctor failed me. I hate myself right now and I feel lost. I am too old (47yo) for this crap. I appreciate others are struggling eating healthy. Bad food don't make me sick oddly enough they just make me fat. Living with high anxiety and ocd is bad enough to manage. Crying .... Thanks for your read.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    It is interesting that many people tend to go back to the old eating ways that brought on the problem. If a low carb diet fixed the problem ..why stray from that strategy. And .. If eating bacon twice a day makes someone feel ill. Stop eating bacon. I guess the desire that we can fix ourselves and go back to old behaviors is very strong and it obviously never works. yet we all keep doing it.