Back on It Need to stop restating my journey

Hey y'all my name is Lisa and I'm restarting my journey again and this time I need to not stop I was dealing with alot of stressful things the past few months and that took a toll on me and now that things are slowing down I need to focus on my health before something serious happens and I don't want to happen, I've worked to hard to stop now and with the progress that I've made so far that is not an option for me at this point. Please help me stay motivated.


  • stellaley
    stellaley Posts: 3 Member
    I’m willing to try to help you if you will also try to help me. I have a lot of weight to lose and have yo-yo dieted for too long. I’m seriously trying to change my life for the better.
  • AvinashDB
    AvinashDB Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Lisa. I can say your stressful points in life is something I can relate to which made me stop working out and I’m also back at the gym for the last 2 months if there’s anything I can do to help out feel free to add me and we can keep each other motivated. Good luck and we just can’t let anything stop us again!
  • lisatryharder
    lisatryharder Posts: 14 Member
    Hi i know this is an earlier post but i can relate my name is also lisa i had to stop restarting i never get pass the first week or two.. and for various stress that life throws at us , but have realised i am strong to have come threw it , this 1st week i have focused on eating healthy althou not perfect ,im trying loose 100 lb , for me it is to see the bmi move from the end to a healthy range , to be fitter and healthy i walk over 8 miles a day rush around nothing helps so i no i have to change to healthy food and fit more exercise in, its our time to shine hope you stay motivated :smile:
  • tslawson3
    tslawson3 Posts: 41 Member
    Please feel free to add me as well. I'm looking for new friends to connect with. I'm restarting my journey too.