What is a reasonable amount of time to start seeing results?

I’ve been working out everyday and eating right watching carbs and sugar and eating fruits and veggies with lean meat for 2 weeks now and haven’t shed a pound or a centimeter. I’m getting discouraged because I have so many people say they lost like a pound a day when they got started especially on low carb. I have seen nothing of the sort. Is my body in shock or what? Lol.


  • lin_be
    lin_be Posts: 393 Member
    Need a lot more information. What are your stats (height/weight/age)? How much do you have to lose? And most importantly how are you measuring your food intake? With a food scale in grams/ounces or with cups/spoons?

    Keep in mind, starting a new workout routine will cause you to retain water. This is very natural and can mask weight loss.

    Lastly, stop comparing yourself to other people. They are not you.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    How much water weight you lose when switching to low carb depends on how high carb you were eating before. Water weight is also affected by exercise changes, hormonal cycles, alcohol consumption, and salt consumption.

    How much weight you lose per week depends on how much you have to lose. Someone who is 75 lbs overweight and carrying extra water weight will lose a lot more at the beginning than someone who only has 20 lbs to lose and isn't carrying much extra water weight.

    If you provide your stats we could be a little more specific. Also check out the Most Helpful Posts threads pinned to the top of each forum. :drinker:
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    If you are weighing and measuring food so that you know that you are eating at a deficit, then you are on the right track. If you are menstruating, it may take a full cycle for your scale to register weight loss, and for your tape measure to pick up body changes. And, as noted above, a new exercise regimen can result in water retention due to inflammation. If you're sore the day after a workout, muscles are inflamed.
  • inherentst0rm
    inherentst0rm Posts: 84 Member
    Most importantly, don’t get discouraged!!
  • gearhead426hemi
    gearhead426hemi Posts: 919 Member
    Different body types, genetics and how much weight you have to lose all make a huge difference in how quickly you will get results. For me personally I find it takes about a month to start to see small results. Other people start to notice after 2-3 months. Stick with and don't get discouraged. If being thin and fit were easy everyone would be. Good luck and keep at it!!!!!
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I'd give it 4 weeks. If no weight loss then drop your calories by 100 and keep doing that until you find your sweet spot. Of course you need to weigh and log your food accurately. If you're not already doing that, then start there first.
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Took me four months. I have only three kg to lose. But by measuring my waist monthly I saw lots of progress
  • elothen
    elothen Posts: 155 Member
    When I was 29 and started losing it was almost immediate. Here at almost 40 I'm starting a recomp on a cut cycle and it's taken 3-4 weeks to start seeing it on the scale/mirror. This path is about patience and persistence. I always recommend that you weigh yourself once and only once per week at the same day/time under the same conditions. Also try to make your water intake regimented. Water weight can sway things a LOT and most of us make a sudden switch from soda's/energy drinks to water and the immediate effect is actually a weight INCREASE. That's OK! You've just been dehydrated for years and haven't known it.

    Keep it up, you got this!