Antidepressants and weight gain -- how to reverse the trend?

RobinES10 Posts: 4
edited October 1 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all! I take Lexapro for anxiety/panic attacks, and since re-starting the meds about 6 months ago I've gained 10 pounds! At first I thought getting to the gym more or cutting evening carbs would help, but nothing is working! I feel better now that I am working out, but I really need to cut the weight!

I'm sure the weight gain is from the meds, because when I stopped taking them last summer, I dropped nearly 20 pounds in only a few months! I know if I stop the meds this time around I'll probably lose the weight, too, but the panic attacks and anxiety are too much to handle without the meds.

Any ideas/tips/advice from anyone who's had this problem?



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I don't know the root cause from that particular med, but when I was on Effexor, one possible side effect was increased appetite. That would explain why I gained. I wasn't aware of this side effect, nor was I watching what I ate, so the pounds packed on. Perhaps try to narrow down why it causes weight gain and then you can try to fight it. Relate your concerns to your doctor. Perhaps he/she has some ideas to help.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    weight gain is typical with these medications, but some people actually lose weight on them.
    From what I've read, it is due to them increasing/decreasing a person's appetite.
    I wouldn't stop the meds because they are "making you gain weight" since you need them.
    Try carefully monitoring what/how much you're eating and your exercise.

    I had a similar problem with a brand of birth control, I switched off of them because they also made my blood pressure sky rocket. You might talk to your doctor about trying another type of medication and see if it has the same effects. You also might try an appetite suppressant, but def don't go off your medication for this reason.
  • I can relate. I took prozac for a while for PMDD. Intially I lost about 10 lbs. Over the course of the next year I gained about 25 lbs. I stopped and lost the weight almost immediately. I wish I knew what the solution was, but I just decidee to tough it out for as long as I can. The sad part is the meds did help.
  • ohamberx0
    ohamberx0 Posts: 98 Member
    It's just like the BCP and other pills, they can increase your appetite. It's your decision what you put into your body from that point..

    Oh, and I've had a little of a similar problem. Xanax is my choice, but my anxiety has gone down now that I've been eating a bit better and exercising. It's still a miracle pill for when I have panic attacks or know I'm going to be in a situation that I will have one or likely to get anxious.
  • i've been on meds for many years and the weight gain is real for a couple of reasons: 1. increased appetite--especially for certain types of foods (carbs, salty, crunchy--mood changing foods), 2. changes metabolism. my commitment is my mental health and my physical health. so i take meds as prescribed by my doctor, i work out 4-6 times a weeks, and i watch what i eat. that said, i will always have about 10 extra pounds on me and i have to accept that. my body and mind are healthy--but i'm 10 pounds overweight still. i have to ask myself the question: would i rather be vain or rather be holistically healthy? my answer changes daily--but deep down i know that overall health is required and 10 pounds extra is fine as long as that 10 pounds is within my body type's range of healthy weight. so far it is.
  • itsanot
    itsanot Posts: 89 Member
    Talk to your doctor about your meds there are other antidepressants like Wellbutrin that don't have that side effect. I know all too well about them and how they affect your body! I'm now med free, I deal with my anxiety by other means such as therapy, and yoga! Good luck I know how hard it is to deal with!
  • charkendrick
    charkendrick Posts: 74 Member
    I gained around 50 pounds after going on Bi-polar meds. The meds made me really tired (to the point I would have happily slept all day if I could have) and also increased my appetite. A very bad combination. After four years I have started taking the weight off. I reduced the amount of one of the medications I take. I stay emotionally stable, but am a lot less tired. I still don't love exercise but I force myself to keep moving and limit naps. And I eat healthier. My appetite seems to have tapered off to a normal level and I concetrate on smaller portions, lots of salads, lean meats and limiting carbs. Hope this helps.
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    I sympathize, meds for depression sent me down this morbid route so i know how it must be a concern. Your Doc should understand that this is worrying you (and therefore perpetuating the cycle) and switch you to something you can take.

    I'm med-free (for my mental health) but that is VERY hard, lots of exercise, NLP and a constant supply of happy music. :wink: I don't recommend it if you can get a medication that doesn't play havoc with your weight.

    Best of luck!!
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Like everyone else here, I completely sympathise. I gained 21lb while taking various antidepressants (including Prozac, Effexor, Citilopram, Paxil) and the Depo Provera injectable contraceptive.

    After coming off all them (thanks to counselling and support of my family) I lost the weight over a year by lowering my carbs.

    All of these types of drugs affect your hormones and, for me, looking back, they gave me massive sugar and carb cravings. I tried every diet under the sun and it was only when I discovered low carb that I found something that worked. I'm not really sure I'm bothered about the science behind low carb - all I know is that when I cut out sugar, potatoes, bread and rice, my cravings go away and my appetite drops rapidly.

    Unfortunately, I went back on the pill a few years ago and my weight once again rocketed up by 21lb (grrrrrr!).

    This time I'm staying on the pill (my periods are unbearable when I don't take it) and using low carb to curb my appetite again. I've only been doing it a few weeks and the weight loss isn't as rapid as when I am not on the pill but I'm quite happy this time to chip away pound by pound, week by week.

    And seeing all the responses on this board has given me hope! We're not the only ones battling against medication side effects to get back to our normal weight! Take care, perhaps try lowering your carbs throughout the day, get lots of mood-lifting exercise, keep filling in that diary to check where you might be slipping up... and come on this forum whenever you are having a bad day and need to get some encouragement!
  • I was also on an anti-dep for anxiety after a cluster of emotional things that happened. Felt great, but gained 15 pounds - doc warned me that it will make me hungrier - affects the leptin release. Less Leptin, more hunger. It really stinks. I am walking 4 miles a day and it keeps it at bay, but I can't seem to lose for anything. Frustrating because I lost 40 pounds before going on the meds. I'm down to 50 mg from 100 and thought it may help - time will tell.
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    no solution: the weight is a small price to pay for feeling better.

    I have been there/done that, and meds are how I gained weight to begin with. BUT, they saved my life.

    Try not to gain more, and maybe in a few months reduce the dosage. But really, be happy that the meds are helping you.:smile:
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Talk to your doctor about your meds there are other antidepressants like Wellbutrin that don't have that side effect. I know all too well about them and how they affect your body! I'm now med free, I deal with my anxiety by other means such as therapy, and yoga! Good luck I know how hard it is to deal with!

    Wellbutrin made me lose so much weight. I'm off of it now, but it was great for my depression and I didn't gain weight.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I took lexapro while I was dieting last year (before pregnancy) and lost 10lb. It all depends on the person.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I personally take paroxetine (Paxil) and I LOVE it. I haven't had a problem with it at all so far. If you do look into taking it, I recommend taking it in the morning when you wake up. If I take it before bed I tend to become quite restless.

    P.S. You could also try taking an "as needed" anti-anxiety med. I also have a prescription for 0.5 mg of Ativan, and I take it as I need it. I have incredibly severe anxiety so sometime the Paxil is not enough. If yours is not as severe though, I'd look into the Ativan or Xanax, start with a small dose.
  • I had a very long conversation about this with my psychiatrist. And it has been said that Lexapro makes you gain weight and it can but it does not make you continue to gain wait.....but after the initial three months you will not continue to gain weight because of the med, you gain weight because of your eating patterns. I have been on Lexapro for almost 12 years now due to PMDD and Dysthymia. There is no way I could live without my meds. I take a very low dose and I take it at night because for me it is sedating and helps me to sleep. I also take Wellbutrin XL in the morning. I am also hypothyroid and over 40....could this be the worst scenario for weight loss. I have lost almost 10 pounds in a little over a it can be done.

    I know myself I was using everything as the reason I was not losing weight, when I finally admitted my diet sucked and I lived on soda and sweet tea and made some huge changes, the weight started to come off and hopefully will continue to come off. Please do not use your medication as the reason you are overweight (like I did).
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