fiber & protein Q's

firegirley Posts: 86 Member
edited October 1 in Health and Weight Loss
This has set me up with a 1200 calorie a day goal. It also tells me what I should have for fat, calories, protein etc. My question is:
I know what calories and fat do for a diet. Is it a problem if I eat more than the alloted fiber and protein intake everyday?
Also, how do I know that 1200 calories is what I need? Does this base this on your weight and height? What about age?


  • I'm having the same problem! I keep going over my daily protein allowance...
  • firegirley
    firegirley Posts: 86 Member
    Is that bad? Will it hinder the weight loss? I dont know ANYTHING about whats good/bad or indifferent!!
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    The protein and fiber is very low on here. Protein keeps you full and it will not hurt you. For more info, use the search tap and you can find lots of other posts like this to help answer your questions.
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 583 Member
    It will base your calories off of what you have provided for information and how fast you want to lose weight. I personally think 1200 calories is too little for anyone that is starting an exercise program along with eating better. At least 1500 calories is what you should aim for if that is the case. Also, it is okay to go over on Fiber, I have been told my doctor's, RDs, trainers that it is difficult to eat too much. Protein is something that you can go over on, but make sure that you are still eating enough carbs and fat. It's ok to go a bit over on protein as long as you are eating enough of the other two macronutrients, and staying up with your vitamin and mineral levels.
  • As always you have to consider the source of each of these. For instance sugar...bad when it comes processed not so bad, but still need to watch, when it comes from fruits naturally. I was told once by a doctor that you should have a little protien with each meal, including snacks because it helps lose weight. I personally think fitness pal shoots a little low on some of the levels, protein being one of them. I mean after all protein and fiber for that matter, is something that keeps you full. So I say you can go outside on those limits a bit and it won't kill you
  • firegirley
    firegirley Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks so much for the answers!! Its definately helped :)
  • you can go and change your protein, fat carb goals etc. I lowered my carbs and upped my protein. Just look at what you're eating and what works for you. i too was concerned that upping my protein would make me gain weight but after reading a lot of the topics on the boards here i see that is NOT the case
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