sensational in 6 - week 4!!



  • Friday's Points:
    Sleep: 1
    Logging: 1
    Schedule: 1
    Eating: 3
    Exercise: 6

    Total: 12

    Saturday's Points:
    Sleep: 1
    Logging: 1
    Schedule: 1
    Eating: 3
    Exercise: 3

    Total: 9

    Sunday's Points:
    Sleep: 1
    Logging: 1
    Schedule: 1
    Eating: 3
    Exercise: 1

    Total: 7
  • Well my weigh in today is official - 181lbs. I'm very excited and encouraged by my new losses and I'm hoping it continues at this rate with the help of my awesome nutritionist. We'll see! I really can't wait to break into the wedding day weight was 175 so getting back to that would mean that I've finally lost my honeymoon/winter holiday weight (only took a freaking year). Although I think my inches are totally different (I think I'm a smaller size now then I was then though I can't really be sure unless I put my dress on again) Here's to another great week ladies!
  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    well, my weight is the same 213. I was hoping for a loss but at least it wasn't a gain...

    Good luck this week!!
  • Monday's Points:
    Sleep: 1
    Logging: 1
    Schedule: 1
    Eating: 3
    Exercise: 6

    Total: 12
  • Tuesday's Points:
    Sleep: 1
    Logging: 1
    Schedule: 1
    Eating: 3
    Exercise: 4

    Total: 10
  • Wednesday's Points:

    Sleep: 1
    Logging: 1
    Schedule: 1
    Eating: 3
    Exercise: 4

    Total: 10

    I miss everyone....hello? anyone? Beuller? Beuller?

    I was very proud of my run yesterday! It was week 8 day 1 of the C25k program (so only 5 more days left before I "graduate") and I totally rocked it! As far as I'm concerned I'm totally ready for my 5k on September 10th! I did the 5 minute warm up walk and then ran. That's it. I mean I literally ran the ENTIRE 3.2 mile loop around my house. No stopping - even up hills! So I literally ran for 47 minutes straight!! Yes I'm super slow...but still! So awesome!!!!
  • Well even if I'm in this group by myself I'll keep posting. I hope everyone comes back...we've got 3 more days of week 5 and then we're on to the last week of the challenge! Maybe its time to save the best for last and make one final push for sensational changes!

    Thursday' s Points:

    Sleep: 1
    Logging: 1
    Schedule: 1
    Eating: 3
    Exercise: 0

    Total: 6

    I went to my nutritionist this morning and she weighs me every time I go in so I thought I'd post the changes this morning since they're official and from a Dr's office. I weighed in at 178 which is pretty awesome. So a 14lb loss total since I started going to the nutritionist - so that's only 3 weeks!! Pretty awesome if you ask me. I'm excited to see what happens over the weekend since I've got a nice and unstressfull weekend planned. No special events or anything so I feel like I will do really well and Monday's weigh in on here will be even better! So here's to an awesome weekend (hurricane or no hurricane)!!
  • Weigh in today was 176.6!! Wooo!

    Friday' s Points:

    Sleep: 1
    Logging: 1
    Schedule: 1
    Eating: 3
    Exercise: 3

    Total: 9

    Saturday' s Points:

    Sleep: 1
    Logging: 1
    Schedule: 1
    Eating: 3
    Exercise: 3

    Total: 9

    Sunday' s Points:

    Sleep: 1
    Logging: 1
    Schedule: 1
    Eating: 3
    Exercise: 0

    Total: 6