13 stone, ready to lose 3 1/2 stone

So... I’ve let myself go and have been kidding myself into being fine with it by wearing stretchy clothing. The sad reality is that I’ve went from a size 10/12 (9 1/2 to 10 stone) to a size 16 (13 stone) in just under 3 years. Absolutely sickened by this and with a recent engagement (yay!!) I really need to slim back down to ensure I’m not a fat bride!!

Anyone else a similar size with a similar target? Or any top tips to shift the weight? 50lbs is a big target but I’m really determined. Hoping to get super motivated- have managed to lose 7lbs since the beginning of this year but want to make sure this becomes my lifestyle and not another ‘New Year’s Resolution’...

Thanks in advance,



  • moniquebryan
    moniquebryan Posts: 34 Member
    You can do it...
  • cathy_1984
    cathy_1984 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi, I am in a very similar situation. I was just under 10 stone before having children. Re-started my weight loss journey at the start of the month at 13 stone 10! Down to 12 stone 12lb. So around 3 more stone is to lose too. Feel free to add me as a friend x
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    Yeah I'm in a similar boat, I lost weight with mfp calorie counting and exercise three years ago and got down to 129 lbs (I'm 5'4") but then I just stopped everything. I dunno why as I actually really enjoyed the process of getting fit and healthy and I felt happy and confident. Maybe a self sabotage thing. So I put on 40 lbs, and I enjoyed that too. I told myself that it was a sign that I was loving myself, that I was good enough whatever shape or size, that I was setting a good example to my teenage daughter to accept who you are and be content with it.
    But in reality I wanted to go out less, I hid under stretchy clothes, I didn't want to go on holiday, I felt unattractive to my partner, I struggled more with energy and strength, my anxiety and depression returned, I was harming myself with alcohol and excessive eating, my daughter binged on unhealthy food and was inactive, I felt old and frumpy. And I was a fat bride, it sucks.
    So I'm back because this works and because I owe it to myself and my family to be fit, strong, confident and capable.
    If this rings true with anyone, please add me as a friend! All the best with your weights journey and congrats on the engagement!
  • kellie7850
    kellie7850 Posts: 50 Member
    Yes I used to be 9.5 to 10 stone 3 years ago but due to several things weight ballooned to over 14 stone. It’s on its way back down but still a ways to go. Target is 10stone
  • tattoomary
    tattoomary Posts: 44 Member
    I'm in same boat. Starting weight 13stone. Down 12lb . Looking to get to 10 stone :-)
  • Luababy
    Luababy Posts: 11 Member
    I should’ve added I’m 5ft 3/ 5ft 4 so 13 stone really isn’t looking great on me. Great there’s other who are similar that can help out and support. I’ll try to add you all when I figure out how to do that... I’m a real newbie to this! Thanks for replying guys xx