Help! Trying to eat healthy but caving to temptation...

So I have been trying for the last month to eat healthier; more vegetables and fruits, less ice cream and empty calories. I usually start the day off well, but when it comes to the evening, I can't seem to fight temptation. I crave chocolate and sweets. If I don't have it in the house, I search the cupboards hoping it will magically appear. If I do have it in the house, I eat it until its gone. I can't seem to stop myself. I swear I have a chocolate/sugar addiction! Any advice for beating the cravings???


  • mleb2005
    mleb2005 Posts: 45
    Try no sugar added fudge cicles..they are about 40 calories a bar and are delicious...taste just like the full fat ones. Or gum, the desert flavored kind..low in cal and can help with the cravings.
  • Pristess
    Pristess Posts: 19 Member
    Chocolate Shake, 2 cups of yummy for only 218 calories

    1 cup frozen banana slices
    1 cup fit & active vanilla soy milk
    1 tbsp baking cocoa
    1 pack stevia

    Blend in a blender until smooth.

    Keeps me out of trouble.

    Also, Fit & Active protein bars make a double chocolate that taste like a candy bar. 180 calories, I think.
  • mampm1
    mampm1 Posts: 88
    Buy a whole watermelon, cut it up into cubes, put it in storage containers and grab some when the cravings start. I'm about to go to the fridge for some now...
  • Abbzzz
    Abbzzz Posts: 49
    Hey, sugar is very addictive!! I go through the same thing so what i did was allow myself to have sugar in tea and coffee which i find helps. There are heaps of items which are low fat and sweet to control the cravings you just have to find one which you like. I'm in Australia and our best items are the weight watches. I'm addicted to the nut treat bar!! It's full of nuts with a chocolate base and tastes great!! We also have low fat chocolate bars here too and you know what, if it's not full fat it is still making a difference!!
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    Try no sugar added fudge cicles..they are about 40 calories a bar and are delicious...taste just like the full fat ones. Or gum, the desert flavored kind..low in cal and can help with the cravings.

    She's right, Popsicle brand Fudgesicles 40 cals , Skinny cow truffle bars in Vanilla has 100 Cal but tastes like a dove bar, Trader joe's 100 cal 70% Dark Chocolate Bars so yummy its Belgian Chocolate, Hunts Snack pack juicy gels Sugar Free Jello cups 5-10 Calories depending on flavor Served with some whipped topping tastes good, Rice Krispie Treats individual servings are 90-110 depending on add chocolate or strawberry flavoring, Nabisco 100 Pack snacks like Mister Salty Yogurt Pretzels, and 70 Cal Bread sticks and cheese, and Orville Redenbacher's 100 cal Individual SINGLE SERVE MINI BAG Microwave Popcorn.

    BUT WHATEVER YOU DO STAYAWAY FROM THE KEEBLER 100 CALORIE RIGHT BITES so called mini brownies are tasteless and so not worth purchasing,. if you want a brownie try the Fiber One 80 Calorie Brownie Bars in Chocolate and Chocolate with Peanut Butter. :tongue:

    Have a happy and safe journey!
    Monica :heart:
    This is probably not recommended at one sitting :laugh: but it's good to have in the house for those sweet tooth moments! :)
  • myfriendamy
    myfriendamy Posts: 131 Member
    I'll second the vote for the fiber one brownies! at 90 calories they're awesome - and they actually taste great! I'm also partial to the WW dark chocolate raspberry ice cream bars for 80 calories... heaven!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I started out just not buying any snack food at all except fruit. Now I have got out of the habit I have a whole cupboard full of chocolate that has been sitting there since Easter as no one eats it. It's all habit. Find something else to occupy your evenings. Also, take enough vitamins and supplements, sometimes cravings can be a sign your body needs something it's missing. Craving chocolate can be a sign you are iron deficient, as dark chocolate contains iron. Crisps can mean you are low on sodium.
  • rockfairy416
    Thanks guys! These are all great ideas and wonderful advice. I am willing to try anything at this point!
  • lynnspittal
    I always try to save some cals for the end of day and use icecream, fruit and sometimes I can fit in banana custard that I make myself, using skim milk, splenda and custard powder (and a banana of course!) Can't stand to get to the end of day and not have that available to me, I feel relaly deprived otherwise. Somenights I dont bother but most nightys I do, last year on Weightwatchers I ate more sweets like this that evver before, and I lost 12 kgs. Exercised a lot though and back into it now. But I find denial a waste of time, only makes you crave more!
  • paxetamore
    paxetamore Posts: 399 Member
    Skinny cow truffle bars in Vanilla has 100 Cal but tastes like a dove bar, Trader joe's 100 cal 70% Dark Chocolate Bars so yummy its Belgian Chocolate, Hunts Snack pack juicy gels Sugar Free Jello cups 5-10 Calories depending on flavor Served with some whipped topping tastes good, Rice Krispie Treats individual servings are 90-110 depending on add chocolate or strawberry flavoring, Nabisco 100 Pack snacks like Mister Salty Yogurt Pretzels, and 70 Cal Bread sticks and cheese, and Orville Redenbacher's 100 cal Individual SINGLE SERVE MINI BAG Microwave Popcorn.

    great list of options!!! ty monica! luv skinny cow... full flavor for the chocolate and ice cream cravings!
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    Eat more leafy greans and flush those toxic food addatives out of your body. That will get rid of your cravings.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    I started out just not buying any snack food at all except fruit. Now I have got out of the habit I have a whole cupboard full of chocolate that has been sitting there since Easter as no one eats it. It's all habit. Find something else to occupy your evenings. Also, take enough vitamins and supplements, sometimes cravings can be a sign your body needs something it's missing. Craving chocolate can be a sign you are iron deficient, as dark chocolate contains iron. Crisps can mean you are low on sodium.

    Vitamins and minerals. Nailed it. Don't fall for the low cal chemically treated treats. Nutrition is the key to vitality.
  • kimbers615
    I understand this so well. This use to work for me, not keeping the junk in the house, but maybe some good cereal with skim milk, I like the Cranberry Almond Crunch (which has several different flavors in it) which satisfies my need for sweets.