Sarah’s story

Hi there. Once again have been defeated by my eating habits and my love of everything sweet and calorific. Really want to lose over a stone and train my brain to healthy eating 😩😩😩😩. Help !!!!


  • caseypremo
    caseypremo Posts: 5 Member
    Just keep trying is my advice. I was overweight for almost my entire adult life. I always said I wanted to diet and loose weight, year after year, month after month. Sometimes I would loose 10-15lbs maybe slightly more but never to my goal weight. I’d give up. Then one day I didn’t give up. I used my fitness pal for 2 years and lost 100lbs. So when you have a bad day, and eat those sweet treats, remind yourself that tomorrow is a fresh start :)
  • andrewscott455
    andrewscott455 Posts: 21 Member
    You can do it!!! It's super tough to lose weight. I'm 42. Was injured 8 months ago and can't exercise. I was afraid I was going to gain weight. I did intermittent fasting and calorie restriction. Lost 60 LBs. No cardio. Just started using an exercise bike. I will see how it goes.