What are your trigger foods?



  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    It used to be salty carby things. Now, I don't know if anything triggers me to binge.

    Oh man, the wreckage I could do with Tostitos and Nutella.
  • an0393na
    an0393na Posts: 840 Member
    Anything that's lots of carb or sweets
  • Ecosse2018
    Ecosse2018 Posts: 33 Member
    Cheese is my only trigger food.
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    Big time big time big time, like I would be 10lbs lighter big time...

    All the leftover food my kid didn't finish 😂
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,453 Member
    Ice cream is my weakness for sure!
  • TracyTequila1
    TracyTequila1 Posts: 2 Member
    Sugar - Anything with sugar just kicks off my sweet tooth.
  • lizzieanne2002
    lizzieanne2002 Posts: 97 Member
    French fries. It didnt used to a problem as a large.kfc portion could usually fit in n the chicken didnt agree with me so there was no temptation. Now they do wierd wedge/frie things that i dont like. But at mcdonalds i want the large meal! Life be cruel.

    Also crisps. I was eating 2 packs a day (thank you step ups for the calories) but have cut way back to one a month
  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Like a lot of you here dips are definitely a trigger. Once I realised that it was the dip that I liked and not the crisps I could limit the damage by sticking to crudities and still getting the salsa/sour cream/cheesey goodness.
  • jenwexxx
    jenwexxx Posts: 1 Member
    I work at Starbucks. It's all trigger food for me. Today I want a lemon pound cake. Only 3 hours left. I will leave without consuming one!

    I work there too. I'm still trying to figure out which drinks are safe besides black coffee and tea.
  • Dawnvht
    Dawnvht Posts: 1 Member
    Do you have all day for my list? lol Mine are little debbie related; especially ding dongs and those orange cupcakes. Oh...and cheesy puffs. Sees candy. Oh! And those sweet rolls. I can seriously sit down and eat a entire package.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    Rice and beans, chips and dip, and Haagen Daaz ice cream.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Someone just gave me a whole tin of David's Butter Pecan Meltaways and a crapton of Ferrero Rocher chocolates. My 2 weaknesses... a good test for moderation.