which comes first .. inches or weight?

Im not losing a lot of weight .. but I work out sometime twice a day, Jillian 30DS and walk/run 3-4 miles daily (with the exclusion of friday and saturday) but Im not really losing any weight.. did this happen to any of you? I'm doing 1050 cal which of course the excersie puts me in a negative net .. should I not be doing this? I have aboout 100lbs to lose


  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    you need a minimum of 1200cal on top of that you should really be eating back what you burn as well. good luck on your journey
  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    You are not eating enough for all that work, your body could be in starvation mode and hanging on to everything you eat.

    that is what I think...eat more for a few days and see what happens. Bet your energy levels climb too.
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    You need to be eating more calories. Also, definately measure yourself. Before I got pregnant I measured every 2 weeks.
  • melymj4
    melymj4 Posts: 10 Member
    Like the other people said, you need to consume more calories. You don't want your body to be in starvation mode.
  • yah definitely eat more you are putting yourself in starvation mode and your body is packing it on thinking you are not going to eat and its going to need it for the "rainy day". You will lose inches first, then weight.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    From alot of peoples posts and my own experience becasue Im in the midst of doin INSANITY that Im losing inches and noticing am ore toned look, and not losing alot of weight, other people had the same experince with the work out DVDs including 30DS. My thighgs and arms look way more toned already!
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    As much as you think you are saving by having left over calories, you're not. MFP already gives you the deficit you need to lose the weight you asked for.
    Make sure you are eating your exercise calories back.. as many as you can stand. Peanut butter, coconut, warm milk, whatever you like to make sure you hit your calorie goals and then you can and will notice a difference. I promise.

    To answer the question on the topic, I believe it is weight first and then inches.. I have noticed (when losing a lot of weight) you will lose water weight quickly and then over time build muscle which causes you to burn more fat, thus your number on the scale may not go down but your size will. Good luck and have fun!
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I started with over 80lbs to lose last August. So I know how it is to need to lose a lot of weight.

    You NEED to eat more, minimum 1200 NET calories each day and really more most of the time (especially early on). So eat back your exercise calories!!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    You need 1200 calories daily for basic bodily functions. You eat your exercise calories back because that is the fuel you need for your workouts. Some people eat back only a portion of their exercise calories - that's fine because calories burned is really hard to calculate accurately.
  • hails62
    hails62 Posts: 16 Member
    You def should be eating more, at least 1200 calories a day especially if your exercising, your body will be starving and hanging onto every calories it can and your motabolis will so very slow so you'l not lose the weight your after. Also I'm exact same I'm losing inches rather than much weight, its down to putting on muscles from exercise, as muscles weighs more than fat, so you should def go buy your inches and try not to worry about weight, its all about dress sizes and how your clothes feel on you.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    you're probably gaining muscle, which in turn burns fat but won't necessarily show up on the scale at first. You should definitely be measuring and eating more :o) that gets easier by replacing low cal/low fat things with the regular option (like cheese for example), adding nuts to your diet, healthy fats like avacado and olive oil. They all rack up the calories that you need but are very good for you
  • ejm1978
    ejm1978 Posts: 9
    I struggle just to get the 1050 in much less 1200. Thanks everyone.. I guess I need to figure out how to get in more good calories
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    For me, it was about 3 weeks before I saw any movement in either, then I think they both kicked in about the same time. I felt better and stronger after about 1 week, but no inches or lbs for another couple. I had about 25 - 30 to lose when I started.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    If you feel comfortable with it you can open your diary to the public and many of us can take a look and offer suggestions for ways to get calories in, in a healthy way.

    I'd start with adding a handful of almonds a day, it will bump you up about 150-200 calories depending on how you eat them (raw, salted etc).
  • ejm1978
    ejm1978 Posts: 9
    my stomach is going down so thats a plus. I also only have half of my left thyroid none of the right, do you think this will effect the weight loss as well? I do take synthroid
  • ejm1978
    ejm1978 Posts: 9
    I figured out how to make it public .. lemme know what you think, thanks for all your input
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    my stomach is going down so thats a plus. I also only have half of my left thyroid none of the right, do you think this will effect the weight loss as well? I do take synthroid

    Thyroid problems definitely affect weight loss. In fact before I saw this post I was going to ask you whether you've had your thyroid checked, because I'm not a believer in that huey that you won't lose weight if you eat too few calories (it can cause a plateau if you do it for a long time but if this was really true no one would ever starve to death).
    Do you have your thyroid levels checked regularly?
    I am hypothyroid and my doc started me on 88 synthroid... it really helped my weight loss but then she decided it was too strong so she lowered my dose :(
  • shelbygeorge29
    shelbygeorge29 Posts: 263 Member
    When you have 100 lbs to lose, yor body is not going to go into starvation mode. The research clearly supports that, I recommed a quick Google search and posting some research if someone disagrees. People with less than 40-50 pounds may encounter the effects of starvation mode, but not someone who's obese.

    You're dealing with thyroid issues, which I know nothing about. There are a bunch of people on here dealing with underarctive thyroids, do a search and there is probably a great deal of information they can share with you.

    Keep at it! Weight loss might be slow for you, but better slow than not at all!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    When you have 100 lbs to lose, yor body is not going to go into starvation mode. The research clearly supports that, I recommed a quick Google search and posting some research if someone disagrees. People with less than 40-50 pounds may encounter the effects of starvation mode, but not someone who's obese.

    I've heard this before too. Too many people preach starvation mode. Yeah I do believe it's a thing when you're already slim, at the point where you want to burn less fat and gain muscle and tone but it has been proven that larger folks won't go into starvation mode. That's why the people on biggest loser etc (and in no way am I comparing you to these people... dont want it to seem like that. just an example) can exercise all day and eat only 1200 calories.

    I just looked at a week of your diary quickly. Doesn't look too bad, just try to get in at least 1200-1300 calories a day (not net, total for the day). Like I said earlier if that seems hard try adding healthy fats that'll add cals. Maybe a bigger breakfast will do that for you? It's been the best way for me to add calories. I was never a breakfast eater but recently in the last few weeks really ramped that up and am now getting 300-400 cals in each morning, it really helps I think! if nothing else it feels better, I actually don't get hungry until lunchtime rather than feeling SO hungry around 10.