how long will it take to get a toned tum???

sammyj321123 Posts: 46
edited October 1 in Fitness and Exercise
hi all, just wondering how long it will take me to get a toned belly (obviously i no you cant predict a exact time, just and average of timing)
here goes, i had a baby 16wk ago, iv gone bk to pre preg weight and evan under so im now 111lb's my waist is 26" i have a small pouch not much i can grab about 2" of excess fat and skin im 5ft 1" and have a very high motabolism so my body reacts very quickly to exercise and diet iv bin doing pop pilates on average 10mins every couple days and planning on doing it everyday as well and other pilates
any help would be fab


  • IllyJames
    IllyJames Posts: 6 Member
    While I haven't had any children, I have been increasing my fiber intake and decreasing my sodium intake. Eliminated any carbonated beverages. Only water. I've been doing this for about a month now and I have noticable results. My stomach isn't ripped, but it's certainly not as big as it used to be. Hope this helps.
  • stephbraden74
    stephbraden74 Posts: 92 Member
    Hey! First off let me just say that you look AMAZING not only for 16 wks pp, but just PERIOD!! =) As far as the belly, its of course diff. for everyone, but I have found that it was the last thing to go on me. even once I lost all my weight I still want to tone my tummy. its a slow process but if you keep at a good level of cardio it does eventally start slowly going away. I would give it a few months of good cardio and really good eating and you should be right where you want to be!! Good luck, and give yourself some credit!!
  • stephbraden74
    stephbraden74 Posts: 92 Member
    Oh yeah and I second the no carbonated beverages! That really helps!! PS Dark chocolate (just a little a day) helps!! I know it sounds too good to be true, but I read it and tried it and well its not hurting!! =) and if anything its good for your heart too! =)
  • Ifican
    Ifican Posts: 47 Member
    Whats being missed here is the fact you had a child. Your body went through tremendous changes and ultimately only genetics will determine what its going to look like. From what you have described it sounds like its excess skin and not fat that is causing you to not be where you want. The only way to get rid of excess skin is via surgery. I personally dont recommend it in your case, just work on strengthening your abs, obliques and lower back. That will help alittle but depending if its just a matter of getting core muscles back or just skin will determine when or is it will go away. But i agree with the other poster, you look great, dont fret the small stuff.
  • thanks for all your help :)
    yes i do have a bit of extra skin but im not planning surgery lol bit drastic and would rather not have the huge scar, i plan on useing the derma roller for that, i have muscle definition and i just need to tone up some more but was just curious to how long it would take to get it fully toned, in the past (before kids) it would only take me 3wk to see results, after my first child i never really exercised much so i dont know if my body was still the same but after having my 2nd 16wk ago iv seen huge changes very quickly and it kind of makes me expect more, i know i shouldn't rush but thought hey if my body is that willing to change so easily why not lol, i expect to have the jelly belly for a while as my sister's has only just gone slightly after 4yrs but i thought hey if a celeb can get rid of theirs why cant i lol
    thanks for all your help
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