200’s Club: Anyone weigh anywhere in the 200’s? Let’s support one another here!



  • jennayyyye
    jennayyyye Posts: 116 Member
    Hey all! Reading through this, I realized that this thread is so relatable. I've been stuck in the 230-240s for awhile now. I started an office job back in 2013 where I was at 210 but since I've stayed in an office job, the weight just kept adding on. I'm trying to eat better/watch what I eat and trying to be more active.

    SW: 244
    CW: 244
    GW: 170

    I just need to get motivated to lose it but it's just so hard.
  • TiffanyRichardson87

    I'm 5'1 and even 160 is considered to be overweight for my height.

    I am looking for motivation and support. I live in Florida. Please feel free to send me a friend request!
  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
    Just as a group check..... calorie intake (reduction) does not mean reduction in volume that you eat; just in what foods you can eat in volume and still stay under the daily calorie budget.

    If it were not for being able to eat an elephant's portion of salad; sans dressing and other fixings, or mixed vegetable soup, doing this, would be difficult.

    No one needs to feel deprived because you are hungry, ever! EAT! Eat the good foods that fill us but not the foods that use up calories for very little in return! Give me a veggie fritatta any day Vs a candy bar.

  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,395 Member
    So glad to see this. My wt has just kept creeping and creeping up no matter what. Lost the bulk a couple times but back it came. And as @myfitnesspalacios suggests, I'm doing the bulk veggies to fill up. Have some ongoing health issues that need addressing, so need to see results.

    today; 212
    GW: 170
  • laceygdwn
    laceygdwn Posts: 11 Member
    CW: 209
    GW: 160
    Hi Everyone! Weight loss has been one of the hardest challenges I've faced. 5 years ago, I had it together, I was eating right and going to the gym almost daily. I was down to 160# and I felt great! Then, I had an injury at the gym and let fear of getting hurt again get into my head. I became depressed and before I knew it...219 was my weight and I am now diabetic.
    I am now watching everything I put in my mouth...low carb, high protein. Ready to make this change!
    Please feel free to add me :smile:
  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
    TIME TIP - Have the veggies delivered from a LOCAL store like; Kroger/Walmart/Costco even Target. Not happy with what they deliver?...pitch a fit and they will remember you the next time you order.
    Saves time, because fresh veggies do not keep and going to the store twice a week gets old.
    Also, Make the Veggie Frittata on the week-end and portion in Ziploc gallon bags and take to work for lunch.
    Have the veggie soup for dinner and you will still have tons of calories for a snack; pecans, walnuts a slice of hearty bread and a sprinkle of Raisin Crunch and half an Ensure in a bowl - Hell, you'll feel like you went to the bakery AND got ice cream. We Can Do This! You Can and I Can, We All Can! Keep going. No Stopping. Bear Hugs!
    Need a taste blast for mouth feel?....learn to like spices and use them.
  • squishylicious
    squishylicious Posts: 7 Member
    edited February 2019
    @myfitnesspalacios you’re so right - I don’t think I’ve got the right balance of calories to volume yet. And I welcome more tips about lowering calories but still enjoying what I eat.

    However, there is no getting away from the fact that I didn’t eat right before, so salad instead of pizza just isn’t quite the same. It’s never been the natural choice for me as I’ve always eaten whatever I wanted without restraint and without consideration for its nutritious value. I know it’s psychological and I need to retrain how I think about food, just currently I don’t feel virtuous when I turn a slice of cake down, I feel denied.

    So, 200’s club, what recipes or tactics do you use to overcome such feelings?

    My favourite pasta swap is courgetti. I love it as it tastes the same once in sauce and I can feel like I’m eating the same as the rest of the family.

    But I need more suggestions!
  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
    Live your life.
    All American Chocolate Cake
    Costco, 1 slice, 637 calories
    You would still have just under 900 calories to load up on- and that Can be quite an array of savory helpings of hot food. When calories are tracked; it’s not restrictive, it’s liberating. The “Don’ts are - don’t forget we are addicted to food, don’t eat the whole half of the cake and don’t lose focus on the long term objective- Life; love, family, springing out of bed, springing into bed, that, “Oh, yeah Babi! Moment when slip on that black number and glide when you move. That is you! You can do this! Cake isn’t end of success; forgetting the objective is....
  • pecabonitas
    pecabonitas Posts: 153 Member
    @squishylicious wow courgetti? I’ve never heard of it but can’t wait to try it! Thanks for sharing. I am a carb junkie so I’m always looking for good substitutes.... I drink water and meal replacement shakes, I use substitutes for potato and pasta.... I even found a cool recipe for bread too! It’s called ‘cloud’ bread made with eggs and cream cheese. I absolutely love it and use it for all my sandwiches! So light and fluffy like potato or Hawaiian bread..... best of luck on your journey but you won’t need it! You are strong, you are beautiful and you are worthy!!!! Stop back often!!!
  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
    I was just now taking my Dane out for the last run of the evening and it struck me that what we are now doing is what we would be doing at goal weight. Translated, that means we are already there!
    WE CAN DO THIS! Yeehaw!!
    NOTE: we’ll have some casualties because of Super Bowl Sunday. Do let it get us down. Keep well hydrated, load up on high volume, low calorie early and have a taste to quell the angst. The filler should keep the day from totally getting away from us. Two Hundred Pounders United!
  • teemix1
    teemix1 Posts: 18 Member
    I've been overweight since I hit puberty but 5 years I got to my highest at 270, then I lost 112 pounds to get to 158 and fell back into all my old habits.....dont know why for 2.5 years (the longest I ever went) I did everything right but in the last 2.5 years I gain back to 242. I need major help in staying motivated, I have a habit of losing a few pounds then gaining back 1-2 and I get so frustrated since I didnt change anything to gain back any and I am 60 so past having periods so I know the gain is unexplainable to me.

    I started back on Jan 1 at 239.2 pounds

    CW 236
    GW 140
  • GuyanaGold21
    GuyanaGold21 Posts: 50 Member
    SW (this time):210
    CW: 205
    GW: 160

    Hello all! I'm so pleased to find this board. I’m only 5’1” and have been overweight most of my life. Right now, I’m just trying to get back to a weight where I can walk comfortably, fit in clothing without X's, and keep up with friends. In 2007, I was diagnosed with chronic migraine disease, and ended up gaining about 50 pounds before I found (mostly) effective treatment. Now I am so out of shape, every body part just seems to hurt and not heal. I just want to feel better! I generally do OK for a few weeks, then slack off… Anyway, I’ve been tracking for 34 days now (YIPPEE!!) and have lost a few pounds. I’m intentionally taking it slow, since this time I have decided to find a way that works for me over the long haul. I can’t wait to get to Onederland with you all! :)
  • squishylicious
    squishylicious Posts: 7 Member
    @pecabonitas @myfitnesspalacios thanks for the tips and support guys - I will check out cloud bread and plan my meals better so that i know I can eat that slice of cake and still stay on track.

    Do try courgetti and let me know how you get on. Once your favourite pasta sauce and sprinkle of Parmesan/ black pepper is on it, I promise you u won’t taste the difference!
  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
    Here’s a recipe using courgetti!


    Also if you have not tried it; bake a spaghetti squash Himalaya Salt and Black Pepper- oh man, it’s weird looking but oh sooooo delicious.


    Eat Tons and lose a ton;)
  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
    Key For Today is - no matter how bad
    You may think it is; log everything.
    The days budgeted calories is what you allow yourself. Use them anyway you wish.
    Think of it: as if you are going to the casino, and you’ve allowed yourself only so much; anymore and your into the household budget. You have to account for the losses anyway, so log everything and enjoy the day. You’ll be fine. We are winners! And, we can and will do this!
  • thecheekiegeek
    thecheekiegeek Posts: 6 Member

    SW 262
    CW 244
    GW 190 (initially)

    I’ve never lost weight my entire life, just slowly gained. Something switched last Birthday, and for the first time ever, I’ve been consciously tracking my food intake in an effort to lose weight.

    I have to say I’m struggling a little though - loss was quick to start but now has plateaued. This makes it harder for me to stick to restricted calorie intake as I’m no longer seeing results that motivate me.

    Recently that’s has meant I’ve broken the diet - binged, regained some of what I thought I had lost. It makes me feel bad, so I kick start the diet again, only to plateau and so the cycle starts again.

    Have you fallen into such a rut? How do you break through and continue your journey?

    You're doing great! Falling into a rut is normal in my opinion. What I did for the last couple of months of 2018 because of the Holidays was lower my weight loss goal to either 1 or 1/2 pound a week. I was able to eat more and still was accountable for the food I ate so that I didn't gain at all and continued to lose weight at a slower pace but progress is all good! Now I'm back to pursuing my 2 lbs a week goal again. In order for this to work for me, it's not a diet but a lifestyle change because I will have to count calories and monitor my food intake for the rest of my life! I'm fine with that, I quite enjoy the accountability of it all!

    You can do this!
  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
    Are there are some Super Sunday successes and fails?
    How did you do, this past Sunday?
    Good or Bad, let us have it.....