Ankylosing Spondylitis.

Hi there,
I was diagnosed with AS, aged 30 years old. My symptoms include chronic iritis, chronic fatigue, hip and neck pain. I refuse to let this condition control my life, and therefore focus on the positive factors in my life. I am a part-time nurse, I have 2 beautiful children, and I have an amazing husband.
I love food! But over-eating contributes to flare ups and exhaustion. Over the years my weight has increased from a size 10 to a size 16. Tomorrow is a new day, and the first day to improving my health and overall well-being.
So to anyone who is suffering from this condition and would like motivation, or to anyone who would like to offer some advise and support please contribute to this thread or even add me as a buddie.
I won't always choose the right foods, but my goal for now is to stick to my calorie deficit everyday, and get more active.
Here is to a healthier me in 2019.....🏃‍♀️🥑🥙😋


  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I have no experience with your condition, just wanted to say Welcome :smiley: and bump your post.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I know someone with AS who was so helped by yoga that he became a yoga teacher.

    Best of luck to you!
  • mammyrobinson
    mammyrobinson Posts: 10 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    I have no experience with your condition, just wanted to say Welcome :smiley: and bump your post.

    Thanks x
  • grenachegirl
    grenachegirl Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I too have AS and was diagnosed around the age of 30, I’m now 46 and have finally realised that when I exercise and carefully manage my diet my AS is much more manageable- but at times it can be hard going- especially the fatigue!

    My wardrobe also spans all sizes from a UK size 12 right up to a size 22, right now I’m hovering around a 16 but battling to get down further! It’s not helpful that I used to be 5ft 5in but now measure up at 5ft 2in!

    However, like yourself I’m determined to stay on top of this- one day at a time!!
    I’ve been down many times but I have never been out!! 👊👊

    Wishing you well for 2019 xx
  • mammyrobinson
    mammyrobinson Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you for replying, and good luck in your weight loss/healthier lifestyle journey x
  • Mrsindepenant1
    Mrsindepenant1 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi, i also have AS and was diagnosed at 23 after having my son. Symptoms were long before that but flared during pregnancy. I’m now 25. I suffered pelvis and back pain and also fatigue. I have a similar story and gained weight from nz 10-14/16 I believe from limitations with the AS. I joined mfp last year to help try control my symptoms and reduce my weight without having to take medication for pain relief. It seems to be working well for me. I have an open profile and try to share as much as I can. Feel free to add me!