does anyone feel guilty after snacking?

i let myself get hungry bc my breakfast wasn’t as filling as normal which lead me to get a waffle and a cake thing at lunch i fel so guilty and i ruined everything even tho what i’ve had today and i already logged in a healthy snack my calories are at like 1,050 and i still have to have dinner. idk what’s wrong with me


  • trulyhealy
    trulyhealy Posts: 240 Member
    Why not just have a more filling breakfast the next time, one day is not the end of the world and it certainly hasn't ruined anything.

    What rate of loss did you choose and how much do you have to lose? You may have chosen too aggressive a rate of loss.

    yeah i plan to go back to oatmeal rather than just a small smoothie and 1 pound a week. mfp told me 1200 but i’m aiming for 1,3500 and 1,400 at most. i think i feel guilty bc it’s unhealthy idk it’s so annoying

  • binabee59
    binabee59 Posts: 2 Member
    Believe me... we all go through this! I am trying the keto way to see what happens...I was doing so dang well and then "poof" I fell off... stupid sweet tooth. Don't beat yourself up... just get back on track. Here I go again at it, it must be my zillionth time to try and get this weight off. You hit 50 and then all of sudden you are carrying weight you never knew would appear... I feel like I am pregnant with twins again. Ugh...
  • BMsJourney
    BMsJourney Posts: 106 Member
    I'm a perfectionist. If I don't stick 100% to my plan (whether it's food, exercise, work or something else), I feel guilty. It doesn't do me any good, but that's how I'm put together. I'm trying to improve on this area. While learning to accept that sometimes things don't have to be 100% to be good enough, I try to put some more slack in my plans... (but enough about me)

    I think your plan on going back to oatmeal is great (I would starve on a smoothie :tongue: ) And increasing to 1400 kcal/day sounds sustainable and healthy.
    Be kind to yourself and do enjoy your guilt free dinner tonight :)
  • BMsJourney
    BMsJourney Posts: 106 Member

    It only tells you how many calories based on the info you put in.


    A healthy balanced diet can include all kinds of food as long as it's in moderation, I think you need to try working on your relationship with food and stop thinking of them as good and bad. A smoothie and oatmeal isn't good and a piece of cake and a waffle aren't bad, it's just food, some is less nutritionally dense but both can form part of a good overall diet.

    ^True! (I was mentioning oatmeal over a smoothie as a good idea, as it would be more filling for me than a smoothie) :smiley:
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    no because i plan for them in my daily goals. i eat at least two snacks and three meals. I also do NOT skimp out breakfast which must sustain me many hours. i learn some foods/breakfast don't keep me full enough so i avoid those.

    what rate of loss did you put in MFP to get 1200? you mention wanting ot lose 1 stone so you should be at a rate of loss of .5lb/week and eating back exercise calories.
  • Phirrgus
    Phirrgus Posts: 1,894 Member
    The only time I feel guilty is when I'm tempted to not go to the trouble of logging it, which is ridiculous because logging it takes about 10 seconds.

    I'm aiming for .5lb a week and I vary day to day how close I get to that 250cal. deficit, but it is working. Like quiksylver296 said, it's a learning event. One snack or a bad day does not negate the entire journey.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    trulyhealy wrote: »
    i let myself get hungry bc my breakfast wasn’t as filling as normal which lead me to get a waffle and a cake thing at lunch i fel so guilty and i ruined everything even tho what i’ve had today and i already logged in a healthy snack my calories are at like 1,050 and i still have to have dinner. idk what’s wrong with me

    I think you really need to work on your mindset.
  • trulyhealy
    trulyhealy Posts: 240 Member
    trulyhealy wrote: »
    i let myself get hungry bc my breakfast wasn’t as filling as normal which lead me to get a waffle and a cake thing at lunch i fel so guilty and i ruined everything even tho what i’ve had today and i already logged in a healthy snack my calories are at like 1,050 and i still have to have dinner. idk what’s wrong with me

    I think you really need to work on your mindset.

    what mindest do u think
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,365 Member
    Not at all - I snarfed 5 donuts, tortilla chips and a truck-load of peanut butter Saturday night (after having eaten everything that I intended to eat for the day). No guilt and no remorse.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    trulyhealy wrote: »
    trulyhealy wrote: »
    i let myself get hungry bc my breakfast wasn’t as filling as normal which lead me to get a waffle and a cake thing at lunch i fel so guilty and i ruined everything even tho what i’ve had today and i already logged in a healthy snack my calories are at like 1,050 and i still have to have dinner. idk what’s wrong with me

    I think you really need to work on your mindset.

    what mindest do u think

    Your current mindset. You've posted before about things like feeling a 4lb loss over a month wasn't quick enough, here feeling guilty about having a snack, at least once you expressed feeling like you want to give up.

    ^^This. So I'll just quote myself from the "is my body is trying to sabotage me" thread:

    OP, you've had several posts the last few days that would indicate you are being a bit obsessive. If this is part of a larger pattern, it would probably benefit you to get some professional help.
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    At the beginning of my new daily meal plan I did feel guilty when I snacked - usually when I ate / drank something late in the evening, after dinner time. Over time I learned to use the MFP system and I allocate myself the meals and calories into 3 meals and one snack time. The evening before I have a rough idea what's going to happen the next day, so when I prepare myself next day's meal plan I take that into consideration. Sometimes I do eat / drink more calories during the day than intended, which means that I adjust my meal plan / calories for the next day accordingly.