Hungry in the evening..

Hi people out there! i get really hungry in the evening...and though I had boiled vegetables as a snack it is still late at night. any suggestions??


  • myfurturelooksgood
    myfurturelooksgood Posts: 30 Member
    Grapes? I freeze them first!
  • pippy1973
    i once heard something on Oprah that help me put those "hunger pangs" at night into prospective and made me look forward to them. the advice was to eat nothing after 6 pm and to realize that when you feel those "pangs", that is when your body is eating the fat. it's a good thing...not bad. instead of going for a snack, drink water...also, make sure you are not confusing head hunger with real hunger.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    save calories for the evening and eat them then
  • ladysarahbell
    ladysarahbell Posts: 6 Member
    Drink lots of water. I eat my snacks around 645-7pm and I don't eat after that so you just have to try and not let yourself eat late at night.
  • Myobi
    Myobi Posts: 129 Member
    What I've found is that my hunger pangs in the evening aren't necessarily from hunger. Whenever I get the "munchies," I'll drink a full glass of water. If I'm still hungry 30 minutes later, I'll have a healthy snack (fruit, small bowl of cereal, etc). It's a good way for me to determine if I'm actually hungry, thirsty, or just bored.
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    Ignore them. It's that easy. No food after 4pm for me most nights.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Drink more so you feel full. If you've recently changed your eating habits, then your body is probably still adjusting and the evening hunger should lessen wih time. At least that has been my experience.
  • Timeforme714
    Timeforme714 Posts: 189 Member
    I make air popped popcorn. It's crunchy and filling.
  • Erin_26
    Erin_26 Posts: 97 Member
    Same as most advice here. You'll have to stay strong and drink water until your body stops expecting late night eating. It's hard, I know! But it gets easier after about a month.

    Also, make sure your dinner is protein-packed. Stay away from carbs, they make you crave more.
  • haberchic
    haberchic Posts: 24 Member
    The evening is my biggest problem too. I usually do great watching what I eat all day, but when I finally put the kids down and get some time for myself and my hubby, I always overeat. I recently started drinking a cup of hot green tea with a psyllium husk capsule (natural fiber) which is good for you and fills me up.
  • Bluejay789
    Bluejay789 Posts: 176
    I drink water. I think a lot of it .... is in my head as night time was always my grazing time. Plus I have heard that dehydration or thirst is sometimes confused with hunger. Also make sure you are getting all your nutrients otherwise you body will say eat, eat, eat, if you are not eating properly.
  • Bluejenn
    Bluejenn Posts: 20
    I like something sweet before bed and frozen grapes are one of my favorite things.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    If you know you'll be hungry, my best advice is to make sure you have calories leftover.

    I know that I need to eat at night - I always eat before bed otherwise I end up waking up in the middle of the night and that leads to poor food choices.

    It's more about WHAT you eat than WHEN you are eating.
  • yasemasuyo
    yasemasuyo Posts: 177 Member
    Brush your teeth! I find that after brushing my teeth, I no longer feel like eating anything! :-)
  • VeggieFace
    I am buying huge cucumbers and munching on them :) I am eating one right now actually, and my fridge was set on very high so it was a little frozen, so it's taking that much longer to eat. I recommend that!
  • jillrules169
    jillrules169 Posts: 56 Member
    i once heard something on Oprah that help me put those "hunger pangs" at night into prospective and made me look forward to them. the advice was to eat nothing after 6 pm and to realize that when you feel those "pangs", that is when your body is eating the fat. it's a good thing...not bad. instead of going for a snack, drink water...also, make sure you are not confusing head hunger with real hunger.

    i have the same problem. that sounds like good advice. i usually ignore that feeling and drink water then i feel better and
    just go straight to sleep
  • wjkfloyd
    wjkfloyd Posts: 125
    Try to save a few calories for fruit at the end of th enight, especially a water-type fruit (melons, grapes,etc) along with some water.

    Good luck!
  • MarcelliaB
    Try a small bowl of raw Oatmeal (small) and lots of water about 1 hours after dinner it will full you up and it's health.

    Some evening my kids (i have 2) want breakfast for dinner, I make 3 egg whites, boil 1 cup of raw whole wheat oats, ( making 2 regular size bowls for my kids and one small bowl for myself. 3 slices of wheat toast and sometimes a few slices of Turkey bacon. I usually have 1 or 2. This is the most filling meal compared to any other evening. Dinner is at 6 every evening. Try it.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    I just ate a piece of whole wheat toast and nutella, and it's nearly 8:30 PM.

    If you are REALLY hungry in the evening, it is okay to have a snack. My body won't send the snack I just had straight to my thighs -- there's no clock on the wall in my intestines. I usually eat a light breakfast, big lunch, light dinner, light snack in the evening. That's how I've always done it. Now, this works for ME, and the key is to find what works for YOU.

    PP who mentioned it's not WHEN but WHAT is correct. The myth of eating past a certain time of night was established because most people gain weight by eating too many chips in front of the TV. Now, if someone had trouble with snacking and just wants to give an arbitrary cutoff time, that's one thing, but you don't HAVE to stop eating at a certain time.

    And I disagree that hunger=your body burning fat. Hunger, true hunger=your body needs food. Feed it.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Hi people out there! i get really hungry in the evening...and though I had boiled vegetables as a snack it is still late at night. any suggestions??

    Eat? Use a flashlight if you have to.