Any Vegans?

Just wondering if anyone is vegan and lifting weights at the same time?

Curious to know if any extra vitamins or supplements besides a vegan protein or multivitamin you can take?


  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I've been vegan for 2 years, lifting for a while longer than that.

    I just take a general multivitamin (Veg1 from Vegan Society) mostly to make sure the Vit B12 and D is covered despite it being in plant milk I have every day, and vegan omegas (MyProtein) because they're not normally covered in the multivits I've seen.

    As far as protein goes I prefer to get it through food rather than supplementing, and most of the time I do, but I have in Vega protein powder in Vanilla for the days that I don't - it's really nice with oat milk!
  • JessAndreia
    JessAndreia Posts: 540 Member
    Vegan 5 years. I take D3 and DHA a few days a week. I don't take anything specifically to or because I workout, though.
  • iamdyann
    iamdyann Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I’ve been a vegan for about a year. I used to be a vegetarian.
    I love weight lifting and don’t really take a lot of supplements. I take B12 and Vit D but that’s what many others do(non-vegans).
  • gcassells
    gcassells Posts: 13 Member
    Vegan for 5 years, veggie my whole life. Lifting heavy since October, circuits with kettlebells and lighter weights for a couple of years before that. I’m also celiac, so supplement as recommended by my dietician with probiotics and a general multivitamin. I use protein powder daily to make porridge for breakfast as an easy protein boost, particularly while cutting calories. I am to hit particular macros (0.8-1g protein per lb of lean body mass). I also take a b12 spray and vegan DHA/EPA supplement.
  • jennconspiracy
    jennconspiracy Posts: 2 Member
    I recommend Sun Warrior classic - raw brown rice protein powder.

    No matter how hard I try - Vega gives me severe GI distress. They claim it's all the "gunk" coming out of your system but that should not take WEEKS (esp since I'm already a long term vegan).

    Also - if you are increasing your protein intake with supplements, be sure to add psyllium to your smoothies and get a probiotic supplement in pill form (no, we don't get enough from soy yogurt etc). It'll help cut down the gas/flatulence with the increased protein.
  • siamsmb
    siamsmb Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all so much!!! Sorry late response! I had no idea how to see the comments. I’m gleaning from you all!! Thanks again!!