Having trouble getting back on track

I made some progress and reached a mini goal right around the time I hit bottom with an episode of depression and as I got treated with medication for that I came down with a cold. So I havnt been tracking that well. Not even been staying "on track" every day but have tried to be careful not to go over or regain. But I havnt weighed myself in over a week. Almost afraid to. Plus it is that TOM and dont want that to get me down. Now my kids are back from their summer break with their dad. I am so happy about that, and they start school next week so a new routine will begin. I stayed on track pretty good today. But I am having trouble getting back into the motivation thing. Kind of like that car with a bad starter. You keep turning the key and it makes a noise like it is going to start but it doesnt quite catch?

The clock is ticking 75 days till the wedding. And I have a wedding dress in the closet that I am about 5lbs from fitting into. And my goal was to get down another 10 on top of that so it could get taken in a size if i made it to that goal. I need to get back into that mind set. I guess I just got so tired of being hungry :( But I know I have to be hungry for the lbs to come off :(


  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    As someone who has taken meds for depression I can honestly say that I was tired and hungry all the time. How about you continue with your treatment , get over TOM and then take care of yourself better. It is a lot to juggle. You are beautiful and I am sure you will look beautiful in the dress! Take care of yourself though.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    You don't have to be hungry. Cut out simple carbs and stick with complex carbs. Fiber adds bulk and keeps you feeling full longer. Make sure you're getting sufficient protein, which sticks with you longer, and healthy fats.

    It sounds like you're ready to kick back into gear - once you clear the TOM, the cravings should subside and that's a good time to bring yourself back into alignment with your program. The timing with kids going back to school makes it perfect! You can do it - you know you can. It says so on your profile!
  • princesshaylo
    princesshaylo Posts: 18 Member
    Aw girl it happens to all of us! Don't get down on yourself. I have a way of avoiding the scale too when I am off track. Best thing you can do is to weigh in tomorrow and don't beat yourself up. We can't change the past just continue to make choices to have a happier future. We are here to help and give support always :)