Anyone do mfp and eat dairy free??

I"m thinking about going dairy free because I've heard that because it's so high in fat and I've also heard as humans we're not supposed to eat diary because it's cow's fat. Any thoughts?


  • CoachFoland
    CoachFoland Posts: 564 Member
    Dairy and grain free
  • jess_austin
    Hey there! I have swapped cows milk for lactofree milk which can be bought cheaply at most supermarkets simply because you are correct, less calories and fat.
    BUT, make sure you get a good brand so you still get a good amount of calcuim.

    Also, not sure about the not drinking cows milk thing but it sounds crazy enough to be true Lol!!

    Good luck with your weight loss!
  • CatherineElizabeth13
    CatherineElizabeth13 Posts: 212 Member
    I eat dairy free, because my body is very sensitive to dairy. Eating a small amount of cheese leads to chronic stomach cramps.
    Dairy free butter and lactofree milk are a godsend!

    I feel so much better without dairy.
    I dont know whether you find that your system feels a bit clogged after eating dairy foods?
    But i highly recommend cutting it out for the most part, but its nice to indulge on occasion!
  • Elanesse100
    Elanesse100 Posts: 30 Member
    Just drink 0% Fat Free Milk. I drank it for awhile and it tastes just fine to me. Recently I switched to 1% Chocolate Milk though.

    I do P90X and their nutrition plan requires 3 servings of dairy a day. Then I heard something about Chocolate Milk and dieting and did some research. Most professional studies agree chocolate milk helps weight loss. There is even a MFP thread or two about it. Most of the people who posted said their kid's sports coach or gym trainer swears by the chocolate milk thing.

    It's really good for high intense exercise. Chocolate milk has the right balance of carbohydrates to protein that functions as a great recovery drink. I drink it for breakfast in the morning to kick start my metabolism. Then I drink it a half hour before my P90X workout, and within 15 minutes after my workout.

    Three glasses of of chocolate milk is 120% of your daily calcium needs. Look up various studies about it if you are curious, I don't really remember the details, but calcium basically lines your body acting like a fat shield preventing most fat from building. But you need to get over 100% of your daily needs for it to work.
  • MaxandHenrysMom
    MaxandHenrysMom Posts: 59 Member
    There are a lot of dairy free options.... rice milk fortified with calcium and vitamins, almond milk, hemp milk,coconut milk. Earth's Best makes great butter options (a soy free version, too). For yogurt, coconut milk yogurt is really good (icecream too), but the fat content is higher than cow varieties, just healthier fats.
  • littlemiss837
    The health benefits of going dairy free are really good. I've not had dairy in over a year and a half and it has been amazing. Not just saying that because I'm vegan. After a while, milk and cheesy things start to look really gross and fatty when you step back and see them for what they are. Switching to soy milks, or alternative milks and "dairy" products may also help your body by feeling more refreshed and there's less of that feeling of having foods kind of 'sitting' in you. And yeah, like you said, they can have a lot of fat.
    Also, because dairy has animal protein in it, it tends to make the blood a little more acidic, and in order to neutralise the acidity, the body pulls calcium out of the bones and into the blood stream to encourage its passage out through the urine. (I read this in a book I have called 'Generation V' by Claire Askew and another book which i don't remember! I'd be skeptical, but it makes sense- in societies with high dairy and animal product intake (like Aus), we also have high rates of things such as osteoporosis and arthritis and other bone conditions, where as the opposite occurs in societies with minimal dairy intake. Plus, non-animal sourced calcium is generally absorbed better than animal sources and it has all the good stuff minus fats and pus and cholesterol and what not. We sure aren't meant to have dairy, how on Earth does it make sense that humans would need milk for their whole lives past infancy, let alone that from another **species**- we're the only species on the planet that does this.