Adding exercises to daily diary with Apple Watch

I have an Apple Watch and it tracks over to the program—my question is—if i take a long walk or walk 18 holes of golf, do i add that as a separate event/exercise or is it already accounted for/tracked through the watch?. The reason i ask is, between walking and golf yesterday i walked 9 miles and the adjustment amount from the watch was only 325 additional calories burned. Would i be doubling up if i add the activity as well? Thanks!


  • shreddingtobeMrsHill
    I was just about to ask the same question
  • M0n1KCR
    M0n1KCR Posts: 148 Member
    What I do: when I know it will be a long walk, out of my regular walking, I start a workout in the apple watch. For example, this morning I had to walk 4km to work (due to a public transport strike). As this is not something I do everyday, I started a workout in the apple watch so I would be credited with the calories I burnt. When I use the public transport I walk about 1,5 km from home to the station and from the station to my workplace, but as this is normal activity for me, it's not a workout. Even if the watch asks if I want to consider it a workout, I don't. I don't get credited with additional calories, they are part of my lifestyle. (I hope this explanation makes sense)

    I don't know if this is how you are supposed to do it, but it works for me.