Could use any support!

I'm big dude. Always have been. Was once over 300lbs. Used nutrisystem to drop to 250. Always been able to lift a lot. But extra fat in all the wrong places always kills me. I need to change. I watch my calories but drink more than I should. I'm gunna get out and run more. I like it. Started Wednesday. I'm dedicated this time. Gotta change. Any support is always appreciated. So dont hesitate to "friend" me or whatever it's called on this app. I'm always happy to meet new people that get what I'm into!


  • kyle16303
    kyle16303 Posts: 1 Member
    You can do it! Stay consistent your body will work wonders and amaze you with results
  • smmye2
    smmye2 Posts: 3 Member
    Feeeeeeel that! Got back into low carb, high fat after having baby #3. That was the easy part, now it’s finding the motivation and time to get back into in my treadmill without the baby crying. He’s a clingy critter so it’s been rough. Good job getting back on board it’s not easy but definitely rewarding once you start and then afterwards you always feel better about it!!! 💪
  • Chris341311
    Chris341311 Posts: 22 Member
    edited February 2019
    I am about 270 are so. strong a hell trying to cut