Tuesday weigh in thread : who's in???



  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    SW (8/9/2011) = 170.4
    8/16/2011 = 163.4
    8/23/2011 = 162.2
  • southtowngirl
    southtowngirl Posts: 72 Member
    7/5/11 ........ 154.2
    7/12/11 .......153.0
    8/02/11 .......148.8
    8/09/11 .......148.2
    8/16/11 .......146.8
    8/23/11 ...... 147.0 OOPS!

    But considering this is only my second 'gain' in three months, I'll take it and move on and work a little harder this week. :blushing:
  • 10093109
    10093109 Posts: 17
    16 08 2011 208

    23 08 2011 206LB

    Another 2 lbs down thats 11lbs in 4 weeks and had to buy smaller size in trouser this week
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Weighing in at 235.5 this week, for a loss of 2 lbs. That takes me to 25 lbs over 10 weeks, and I had to swap belts!

    Looks like everyone is doing great this week. Southtowngirl, don't sweat the 0.2 lb "gain."

    Keep up the good work everybody! You guys totally rock!

  • atessieri
    atessieri Posts: 53 Member
    i just started consistantly last tuesday...so far so good :)

    8/23-201.6 :)
  • Fluffy333
    Sure. Why the heck not? 204 this morning, buck nikkid and before breakfast....have a good day!
  • Jessie43082
    Jessie43082 Posts: 171 Member
    Rough week. My first gain. -- I don't know if it's because I'm running again or if my body is just trying to fight losing cause I've already lost a bunch in the last two months.

    July 12: 248
    July 19: 239.6
    July 26: 237
    August 2: 235.4
    August 9: 232.6
    August 16: 232
    August 23: 232.6
  • 10093109
    10093109 Posts: 17
    23/08 206

    30/08 204

    That makes 13 lbs in 5 weeks hopefully make the first stone next week
  • andy_gilfrin
    Started at 345 lbs in June

    23/08/2011 : 302lbs
    30/08/2011 : 295lbs - 7lb down this week.

    Worked really hard this last week to get me back on track, maybe a bit of water weight in there but all I care about is getting to the end point and I'm now well on the way.

    So 3 big milestones this week, 50 pounds lost, under 300 and past the half way point* (a month ahead of schedule).

    I'm at a good stage now as I don't need to lose much before I get to 4 stone down, then only a few pounds after that I will be under 20 stones for the first time in about 10 years.

    * I need to lose more than the 100lb goal I set but it seemed like a big enough task as it was.
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    2/8: 14st 8.5 lb
    9/8: 14st 6lb (down 2.5lb)
    16/8: 14st 4lb (down 2lb)
    23/8: 14st 1.5lb (down 2.5lb)
    30/8: 14st 3.25lb (up 1.75lb)
  • southtowngirl
    southtowngirl Posts: 72 Member
    7/5/11 ........ 154.2
    7/12/11 .......153.0
    8/02/11 .......148.8
    8/09/11 .......148.2
    8/16/11 .......146.8
    8/23/11 ...... 147.0
    8/30/11 .......144.8
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Hi all,

    Weighing in at 233 today, a loss of 2.5 lbs this week! I've lost 10% of my body weight in 11 weeks - woohoo!

    Southtowngirl - looks like a nice loss after last weeks "gain" - good job!
    Xarra - don't sweat it - it happens. You'll get it back!
    1009...- Alright!
    andy - that's awesome!

    Everyone else - keep up the great work - we're tearing this up!
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    I'm gonna weigh again tomorrow - I had a very big cycle over the long weekend & didn't drink much, so I've been drinking like a fish today & hoping that it was water weight!
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    I lost... *drumroll* nothing.


    sigh, I knew it was coming too. Oh well it's been a bad week, food wise, i'll get back on track.
    Lost 1.6 yesterday. Still hoping to be under 200 by the end of next month. I can do it. :)
  • 10093109
    204 last week

    199 this week thats 5lbs off a total of 18lbs in 6 weeks and i am now under 200 and that was with my daughters birthday tea and a party

    Good lick to everyone else weighing in today
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    203.8 from 206.6

    Very nice... But I saw 201.8 yesterday, so sulking a tiny bit, lol.
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    2/8: 14st 8.5 lb
    9/8: 14st 6lb (down 2.5lb)
    16/8: 14st 4lb (down 2lb)
    23/8: 14st 1.5lb (down 2.5lb)
    30/8: 14st 3.25lb (up 1.75lb)
    5/08: 14st 2.25lb (down 1lb)

    Gah... I need to lose better... Still no idea why the jump... :/
  • southtowngirl
    southtowngirl Posts: 72 Member
    7/5/11 ........ 154.2
    7/12/11 .......153.0
    8/02/11 .......148.8
    8/09/11 .......148.2
    8/16/11 .......146.8
    8/23/11 ...... 147.0
    8/30/11 .......144.8
    9/06/11 ...... 142.2
  • andy_gilfrin
    Started at 345 lbs in June

    23/08/2011 : 302lbs
    30/08/2011 : 295lbs
    06/09/2011 : 291lbs - 4lb down this week.

    Happy with that. the trend is still down and down significantly week on week. Going for a goal of under 20 stone by the end of October so well on track for that at the moment. Would liked to have lost another 2lb this week to put me under the 4 stone total but wanting to lose 6 pounds was always a bit too much.
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Good job everyone! I'm weighing in late due to business travel. Down to 232.0 lbs today for a loss of 1.0 over the last week and couple days.

    Looking forward to checkin in next Tuesday...