Anyone 5ft 2 and 9st (126lbs), looking to lose about half a

... stone??

It's a very specific topic, but I was wondering if anyone is/was in the same position as me and could offer any tips or advice? I got down to 8st 10lbs (122lbs), but put it all back on in just over a month when I relaxed my diet. How on Earth do you lose those final few pounds when you're already quite small?! I don't look overweight, but I look a bit tubby ... it's just because of my height really, but it's very frustrating!xx


  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    Would love to know the answer...i am i the same boat!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 125 is my goal weight, but I'm a ways from there yet (147).
    If you are feeling a little chubby still, you could try weight training. Even if you don't build muscle or lose fat it'll firm up the muscles you already have so you'll look more fit. I plan on looking at bf% only when I get to about 130 and aiming for 24% BF as my end goal.
  • misslyssx
    When I started to lose weight, I was 125-127 pounds, but I'm 5' 3". The pounds were not stubborn to come off for me, but I was eating a kinda low amount of calories (less than 1200) which most people would not advise. Now, I maintain my goal weight at around 1400-1600 calories. The thing about my body is that I do look a little flabby in my tummy as well, and I'm 113lbs. At this point, I realize that its not the weight I need to lose, it's the body fat... Go have your body fat percentage measured and aim at lowering that with strength training and aerobic exercise, and maybe you'll realize you didn't have to lose any more pounds.
  • Newnanax3
    Newnanax3 Posts: 192 Member
    I am even shorter :( and would also love to get some ideas. I've been "stuck" for over one month now.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Are you doing any weight lifting? That might help, if not with the actual weight on the scale than at least with the 'tubby' look you referenced
  • Kristy144
    Kristy144 Posts: 166
    I'm 5'9" also, but no where near goal weight!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    ... stone??

    It's a very specific topic, but I was wondering if anyone is/was in the same position as me and could offer any tips or advice? I got down to 8st 10lbs (122lbs), but put it all back on in just over a month when I relaxed my diet. How on Earth do you lose those final few pounds when you're already quite small?! I don't look overweight, but I look a bit tubby ... it's just because of my height really, but it's very frustrating!xx

    it sounds to me like youjust need to do whatever it was you were doign to get to 122lbs last time, and then look at what you did for maintenance. you admit that you 'relaxed' your diet, so its that that needs working on.

    I am currently at maintenance and working on toning, so i would agree with all the comments about doign weights, and adding plenty of strength training into your workouts.
  • emmacummin
    Ah right ok, so I need to almost stop worrying about my weight and actually crack on with toning and things? So ... what's the best way to lose body fat?? My scales tell me I'm about 33% fat ... that sounds like LOADS!!xx
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i am 5ft 5, 126 and my BF is 26.7%, down from 28.8% (which was when i first took notice of it about 6 weeks ago).

    i have only really included strength training the last couple of weeks, but i do feel like i am starting to see results, but its very slow - as my bf% change shows!

    i do running for cardio, and started strength by doing the 100 push up challenge and the 200 sit up challenge. i also have some weights (which came with instructions of a range of moves to do to work all the muscles in your arms/shoulders) and i have a couple of dvds that are circuit training, which incorporates strength and cardio - 30 day shread is a good example, but i have only doen that oen a couple of times.

    Hvae a search on the forums, there are loads of useful topics about weights etc.

    hope that helps!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Ah right ok, so I need to almost stop worrying about my weight and actually crack on with toning and things? So ... what's the best way to lose body fat?? My scales tell me I'm about 33% fat ... that sounds like LOADS!!xx
    Age 20-40 yrs
    Underfat Under 21%
    Healthy 21-33%
    Overweight 33-39%
    Obese Over 39%

    I searched 'body fat age chart' and found these numbers for women under 40. If you are 33% you're just at the top of the healthy range. Scales can be off tho so you may be a little lower than that-you can check with another method (calipers, measurements, bodpod, etc) to verify it.

    YMMV, but I've found doing circuit training that involves weights, like 30 day shred or Ripped in 30, or any number of cardio/resistance DVDs and classes is great for adding definition. I think it would help you a lot. Just make sure you use weights or resistance that's a good challenge to you -- don't use 2lb weights if you can do 5lb, or yellow cords if you can manage green/red with good form.

    btw- I'm just mentioning those specific DVDs because I've done them. I've also done Farrell's extreme bodyshaping (cardio kickboxing with resistance training) and also gotten good results. There are a lot of good programs out there like Insanity and P90x but I've not tried them personally.