SBF, Reboot Boogaloo, Aug 22

Howdy everyone! Don't forget to check in, pebbles.

I'm all stuffed up from the ride yesterday. I'm guessing it's dust, because it's so dry, there aren't that many allergens out there - which is quite unusual for this area. So I'm taking a break from riding for a couple days.

Today: teach and take yoga + swim tonight.

More of the same food wise this week. Less snacking, no dessert until the weekend.

Need rain, boogaloo.


  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Mary, we are also having allergy problems here. Alex is now coughing and Steve and I both have had nose issues. I hope Alex's is just allergies and not a cold or something.

    I am cranky this morning. I think it's the overwhelmeds. I was planning on doing P90x today, but DH informed me the lawn needs to be mowed. I agreed to do most of the yard work. My body still says to me that it's tired. I seem to have some muscle fatigue going on. I also have to clean up the house, which I hope won't take more than maybe 30-45 minutes. Then there's lunch with a friend. After that I had planned to work out and then chill, but I may have to chill sooner than I want. :grumble:
    So far I feel nothing from the new meds. I know it's only been like 3 days. :tongue: They don't seem to be bothering me as bad but I am still just as tired or more so. You ever get to the point that you want a break really bad (like a vacation or something) but you have a feeling that even that won't help you recover? I need a month off. Maybe that would do it. But Miss I could be coming home in about 20-ish days. It hit me this morning, so that was added to my overwhelmeds. V, it's time for me to pull out the post it notes and make my to do list. :wink: My list for today:
    mow lawn
    clean house
    go to store
    lunch with friend
    work out (maybe)
    When I see it like that it looks more doable.

    It won't get to me boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    :wink: MM, some days I think we should call this sbf, one day at a time challenge. I am still very much in this mode, especially due to the fact that I can't plan much in advance (still no word on work for the fall, grr.)

    Dear rainclouds that visited us yesterday and broke the heat, please go south and visit my Texan pebbles. And stay a while!

    Today is:
    a walk, to lunch and back.
    Three writing sessions, one of which will include a "how to finish this chapter list" hooray!
    Paying bills.
    And some laundry.
    Meal planning, figuring out how to use up food in the house (I'm trying to waste less, we throw out too much food this has been my August focus. I think I'm going to try to make September "buy less/nothing month" and keep a journal of everything I buy everyday. I buy too much stuff).

    Pebbs, check in! And Rain, go South, boogaloo!:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    I did not have the greatest afternoon. I decided to "take off" the afternoon and just relax. Well, we had an incident in which Nikki threw up all over Alex and it was my fault (not that she threw up but that it was on Alex). He was traumatized and so we both cried about it. Ugh. I just want to forget about.
    Mowing the front yard did me in. DH mowing the back yard did him in. It's going to to be a fun year. :wink: So I didn't work out yesterday other than that. I also didn't get laundry done. So today: laundry, go to horse therapy, prayer meeting, maybe work out (or just start going through boxes again), and then chilling out this evening. Steve and I played Scrabble last night and that was actually pretty relaxing. :smile:

    Mary and V, I'm glad you are posting! :flowerforyou: Where did everyone else go? Come back!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Just looked at the weather. The coolest day this week? Today at 103. I plan on making a cake on Friday, so I better do it in the morning. I'm having fond memories of winter right now - when I would think about baking bread and making soup to warm up the house. I'm very grateful I do not work outside. I see the poor construction guys everyday, sweating buckets, looking miserable. On the bright side, I looked at Chicago's forecast - low 80s most the week. I'll be there in three weeks, ahhh. Looks like the Carolina's are getting our hurricane, and probably don't even want it. Though, it looks like it will be big enough that no one will want it.

    When did you mow, MM? If it was after 9am, it was too hot.

    I'm still stuffy, so I'm going to take a break from the bike this week. Good week to do it, I think. If the stuffiness goes away, I'll do a short ride on Thursday or Saturday. The swim last night felt great. We were planning on going again tonight, but Charlie was up last night with a sinus headache, so I'm not sure. I'll get a walk in and a little yoga today. I'm predicting an easy week.

    Easy week, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs.

    I cannot imagine living consistently in that heat. We had two weeks of 100+ weather earlier in the summer, and I could barely breathe or move. I really hope you guys get some rain and relief soon!

    Today is:
    Finishing touches on draft (so close! It is nearly totally finished)
    Hopefully barter session for massage
    Meal planning I didn't get to yesterday
    Laundry I didn't finish yesterday

    Better get started, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:

    P.S. where my prodigal pebbs at?:wink: No pressure.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Mary I mowed about 9:30 am. And yes it wasn't soon enough.

    V, I think we are on day 55 of 100+ temps here in DFW. I'm dreaming of September...late September. :laugh:

    Update: I pulled in about ten boxes from the garage and then did about 40 minutes of P90X. We'll see how sore I am tomorrow. Our landlady came by to check our water meter. Anyone every have their landlords come check the water meter? :noway: She says the last bill was outrageous because the sprinkler system was turning on to often, so she said she was checking to make sure it was okay. Yeah right. She was checking to make sure we are watering her house like we are "suppose" to be. We went three days without hearing from her. :grumble: This is not normal, and we have to figure out how to calmly and politely tell her to back off. Wondering if we should tell her she will drive us out of here if she doesn't stop it. She promised she wouldn't drive by and check on us. I would say she is and I have half a mind to remind her of that. Sorry. Rant over. At this point: a paranoid/obsessive landlady vs rat poop in my living room: I'm still deciding which one I'd rather have. :ohwell:
    Other than that it's been an okay day. I'm resting the rest of the day. I did my duties.

    Ugh boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    We are on day 70 of 100+ degrees, MM. We will beat a record set in 1925 - by a lot, I think, since we have 100+ for the next 7 days. We do have good AC, V. Not everyone does. Amazing really - that in 1925 no one had ac and the clothes they wore - that would be hot.

    I didn't get yoga or a swim in yesterday - it was all walking. Probably ok, since my wrist is bothering me. Too many messy chaturangas on Monday, most likely. Today: teach and take yoga, short walk.

    Glad it's not 1925, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Mary, there are several reasons I would not have wanted to live in 1925 (although I do like their clothes - to look at!) and the heat is one of them!

    I think I am shrinking a bit. At least I don't feel as squishy and bloated. Key to my success: stay off my bum. :laugh: I am a little sore from doing P90x, but it's in all the places it should be so that's a good thing! I may try to do day 2 today which is plyometrics I think. I'll have to see how wiped out I am after going to the store. The heat saps me out. I am going to the store today because tomorrow I am going to get school stuff for Alex.
    I am getting antsy to get in to my regular routine, especially with cleaning. But I still have more to move around and unpack. I will try to get a few more boxes done today. Tonight is church also. We've missed the last two Wednesdays so I hope we can make it tonight.
    Oh and I felt better after getting a work out done yesterday. I've been working out with the move but it's just not the same.

    Just not enough time boogaloo.
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    I'm here! Been reading every day, just haven't taken the time to post.

    I had a wonderful day Monday, was super busy-busy, got a lot done and had a good workout. Then yesterday I just crashed. I spent most of the day gravitating back to bed (even got under the covers, and I hate unmaking the bed before nighttime). I tried exercising but felt too weak and gave up, and the majority of my calories came from dry cereal. :ohwell:

    I'm determined to have a better day today. Started out with a good breakfast and will try to get exercise of some sort in. And I will not beat myself up if I can't do as much as I want.

    Still can not wait to move. Just one week till closing!! I'm even excited about buying cleaning supplies for the new house! :laugh:

    Goals: Be happy and grateful, NO pouting over mistakes. Focus on health. To-do list.

    Dusting myself off, boogaloo. :heart:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Wow, just now getting around to checking in.

    Crazy day. Big news from the conference people: I'm off the waitlist, and accepted. So, exciting! And whoa! Lots and lots to do now.

    Busy day, walked to and from the subway, met a friend for coffee, just now getting around to eating a proper meal (I've been snacking all day). Tomorrow's goals: work and rest, and start planning for everything I have to do to get ready for fieldwork in (gulp) under three weeks.

    MM, I bet your landlady will calm down. She just sounds like a super-nervous sort. It's probably hard to have living in "your" house if you've never rented it before. I totally understand your side, too. But, probably just give her a few week,s maybe? (trying to stay positive, because in my world ANYthing is better than rats (I'm super scared of rats).

    Livi, every day is a new day, and every bit of movement helps.

    Mary, I remember asking my granddad (a farmer type) how he coped in the olden days without a/c. His answer: we did a lot less, and we moved a lot slower. Summer words of wisdom from olden times.

    lot less/move slower, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Congrats on the conference, V - you'll be great.
    Olivia - keep checking in!
    MM - I don't know how your shrinking in this heat. I feel like I'm expanding, especially my fingers.

    I'm not sure what today holds for exercise. My feet are a little sore from walking so much, and I'm a little worried about spending too much time outside (not the heat, the dust - or whatever is messing with my sinuses). I have bookclub tonight, so swimming is out as well. I guess I could a lot of yoga. hmmm.

    Some places east of here got rain. We have a 10% chance today. Normally, I would disregard a 10% chance - but it could happen, right?

    Also - more work on the no snacking rule.

    No snacking today, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Rain! Sweet rain this morning! Yay! Mary, I hope you get some this morning! It looks like it might go south of you though. :frown: Hope it makes it!

    Livi, just do what you can and check in with us so we can encourage you. :flowerforyou:

    V, congrats on being accepted! Hope the fieldwork goes smoothly for you!

    Mummsy, CP, and other Pebbs, you'd better come check in!:wink:

    I'm sore. I keep telling myself it's a good thing. I unpacked a couple of boxes yesterday, went to the store, and did about 20 minutes of plyometrics. I could have done more but I really need to be able to move this morning. :laugh: I am going to get school books for Alex (he will start the Tuesday after Labor Day), and hopefully do some more P90X. I do like the program even if I can't do very much yet.
    I can tell I am shrinking again which feels SO nice! I have not been eating that great, but I've been going and going and that has made the difference. I need to take measurements today. I weighed in and I'm at 156.5. The other day it was 158. I am not really going by the scale, but I wanted a starting point. I don't know what's going to happen in the next few months. I hope I can find time to work out. Alex will be doing school 3 hours 3-4 times a week, then Miss I will be here. I have got to find time to fit it in. Even if I just go running in the evenings after Steve gets home.

    Just do what you can boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs.

    Today we are celebrating our "Canada-versary" it's our fifth. Unbelievable that we packed everything up and moved to a different country five years ago. We're spending the day doing some of our favorite city things.

    After that, I might try to start chopping down/altering my introduction into something like a conference paper. Maybe.

    We had an amazing storm last night, with lightning and apparently tornadoes in certain parts of the city/burbs. We had a similar storm on Sunday and an earthquake on Tuesday. Weird weather times.

    10% is a chance, Mary. Hope you get soaked!

    Canada-versary, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Remembering to check in! :bigsmile:

    I had a pretty good day yesterday. My workout was decent, and while I wasn't uber-productive, I did get what I needed to do done.

    Somehow I pulled a muscle in my back though, right underneath my left shoulder blade. I don't know didn't hurt last night before bed, but I woke up in the very early morning with a sharp pain. :ohwell: I hope it goes away soon.

    Only about five days till closing! Yay!

    Remember to post, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Ok, I need to be more specific in my request. We got rain yesterday, and it didn't reach 100; however, I would like enough rain to count - we only got a very short sprinkle, not even enough to get the dust off the trees. Oh, and 109 is predicted for tomorrow.

    But, hey, I'm getting my solar panels today :bigsmile:

    My foot is still giving me issues, so I'm not sure what other exercise than yoga I'm going to get today. I need to get the house clean as I'm having dinner guests tomorrow. The cats are all hiding right now anyway (people on the roof, lots of noise), so I should go ahead and vacuum.

    Go solar, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Mary, our rain chances were 10% yesterday and we got some, so I hope you got some. My sister in SA said they got a spritzer. :laugh:

    Yay! Livi's checking in! :flowerforyou: I hope your back is feeling better today. That truly stinks.

    V, did you have a fun day yesterday? I think that would have been fun to go around doing favorite things. I hope you had a good time.

    Steve didn't get home from work until 4am. I didn't sleep that great, but :ohwell: . Yesterday was a full day. I will spare you off all the details, but shopping for homeschool materials takes a lot longer than I thought. I was gone from 10-7:30! Not all of that was shopping, but a lot of it was. So Alex has all of his school materials except for two math books that I need to order online. The nice thing about homeschooling is that you can start whenever. The bad thing is hearing people ask all the time why he isn't in school. He is. It's a "private" school. :wink: So it was recommended to me not to start Alex's schooling until a week after Miss I comes home. That way I don't start him for a week and then stop for a week. So mid September he will start. He's taking all the normal classes like history, penmanship(so they still call it that?)/grammar, phonics, math, and doing readers as well. Oh and in the spring he will start some science readers. I'm looking forward to it. :smile:
    Anyway, I did not get a work out in yesterday. I was sore enough to hurt in my tummy when I coughed or sneezed, and in my thighs when I sat down. So it's working! I am going to do another DVD today. I think it's back/shoulders and abs today. Tomorrow I think I will do the stretch one. I am really liking it. I also plan to get a lot of work done on the house today and wash all of Miss I's clothes and get them hung up. She's coming home soon! And I can start using her name instead of saying Miss I!

    Just a few more weeks boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    What DVDs are you doing, MM?

    Day 2 of solar panel installation. They were here yesterday at 6am, today at 7am. It gets hot quickly - I'm sure it's even hotter on the roof. One of my cats is going bonkers with the roof noise.

    Today: walk + yoga. I made a cake yesterday and got the house clean. Dinner is fairly simple, so I'll have time to get some exercise today. I'll keep the walk slow to take it easy on my foot. I'm leaving for Corpus Christi for a few days tomorrow (my sister has a rotation there and we are helping her move), so walking may be my only exercise. I'm traveling a lot the next 30 days or so: Corpus, Dallas, Corpus, Chicago, Corpus - that's the plan right now anyway. There are many things I love about Texas, but going to the beach isn't one of them. I've never understood why people go. Who knows though, maybe three trips will change my mind - but as someone mentioned the other day, you can't expect a lot from a town with "dead body" in the title.

    On the road again, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Where'd all the Pebbs go?

    Mary, that's a lot of traveling. Steve is wanting to go to the beach next weekend. He loves the beach. Not so much the gulf, but it's the nearest beach around, so it will suffice. He calls it a glorified stock tank! :laugh: I have heard that some people like mountains and some people like the beach. I like both. I don't like to spend hours and hours at the beach like Steve does, but I don't mind being out there for a while. I told him that because it's Labor Day weekend next weekend that it's probably going to be really crowded. He doesn't believe me. He never does and then he finds out that I'm right. :wink:

    V, how are you doing? Not like you to not check in. Or did I miss your post?

    I did not get to work out yesterday. (By the way Mary, my friend loaned me her P90X Plus DVD's. I really like the work outs so far. They are too difficult for me to get all the way through but I can tell they are working.) I worked all day on the house then a friend called and needed help, and then she called back after awhile and said she didn't. So I just continued to work on the house and then went to a store to find some things for Miss I's room. I still need a curtain rod for her room, which aren't as cheap as I thought they would be. Plus I need another table and chair for school for her, and also bookshelves for Alex's room. But I've run out of money. :angry: That happens. Steve's replacing the water pump on the mustang. Or maybe not. He doesn't seem very motivated. I'm going to continue working on the house for awhile (I found a few more boxes in the garage hidden in a corner.) and hopefully get some sort of work out done. I may do the X Stretch today but I haven't made up my mind.

    Always lots to do boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Yep, I forgot to check in yesterday. I got deeply involved in revising my paper, so that took up pretty much the whole day. Sorry for your back, Livi. Go easy, and don't forget to stretch! Mary, I hope that the installation gets finished so kitty can rest. My boy cat is a nervous nelly, and we had roof repairs early in the summer that proved pretty traumatic for him.

    Weird body stuff: starving. This is a weird backlash from not every being hungry the past few weeks. Have to figure out a way to feed the beast without making bad food choices today. I'm also having a get together at my place tomorrow, so today I have to go shopping for a few things for that. So, I'll be walking carrying some slightly heavy items (I'm making sangria) running around doing errands and cleaning for my activity.

    I love water and the beach, but would rather walk by the ocean than spend a day at the beach. I'm not much for laying around in the sun. I love the beach in the colder weather, when no one is there. I also love mountains. I am a fan of the northwest. I think it's my viking heritage.:laugh: Pining for the fjords or something.

    I cannot believe that next weekend is labour day weekend. Seriously, WHAT?:noway:

    Everytime I think "GAH! September!" I immediately thing "stop being so selfish, MM gets to bring Miss I home." :wink: Perspective, you give it to me.:heart:

    Errands in the sunshine, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    I've have that same problem, V, except I'm never not hungry.

    Almost September, MM! Also looks like we will break our 100 degree streak starting the first of September - and there was much rejoicing.

    Solar is all installed; however, the city must come inspect before we turn it on :grumble: We did get a new toy that measures your real time electricity usage - interesting to use on the hottest day of the year. Today we will break another record. :ohwell:

    If I get out in time, I will go for a short bike ride this morning, followed by a short walk, and short yoga session. A mini, Mary, triathlon - then to Corpus. I don't know if I'll have wifi anywhere, so I may lose my "check ins".

    To the beach, boogaloo.