Body fat gone nuts!

Hi, I’ve lots 3st (I’m British - 52lbs!) over 3 years with MFP and FitBit and am delighted. I’m 67 and 5’11” . Put on 6lbs, started to lose it, regressed a little (bemusedly that, no change in “normal” eating etc) but what has baffled me is that in the space of 1 week my body fat changed from 27% to 33% 😳Is this even possible or have my scales gone mad? Anyone else had this issue?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Scales aren't accurate for measuring bodyfat so I wouldn't worry about it.
  • Chezzyp
    Chezzyp Posts: 3 Member
    It was the just the sudden 6% increase that bothered me; it hasn’t happened before. Thanks for responding.