Not sure what I should work on

Hi everyone,

I used to work out 2 years ago and was making a lot of muscle progress (heavy weights, low reps, paleo diet). Then I stopped...

I’m 5’9 172 lbs with 25% body fat. I’ve been working out again for 2 weeks and I am considerably weaker than I was two years ago. I’ve been following a diet using the app, but I really like gaining. Gaining is so much fun but I have this beer belly that’s just a pain to look at. Should I just focus on gains? Or should I keep trying to lose the beer belly to then go back to making gains again? Decisions decisions... thanks for the replies


  • kireler
    kireler Posts: 30 Member
    I would ask you what is more important to you? big arms or smaller waist? (I know it's simplified) ...or do the coin toss technique. flip a coin, heads for gains and tails for losing the gut. when the coin is in the air, you will know which you want.

    Personally, I did weights years ago and I saw gains pretty quickly. I stopped working out and kept eating the same and saw gains I didn't want pretty quickly also. My goal now is to get rid of the fat and I will work on gains later (shoulder injury kinda made the decision for me).

    In the end, for both of your goals you have to eat healthy so it's really win win from what I can see.

  • rosiorama
    rosiorama Posts: 300 Member
    edited February 2019
    Interestingly, I am a female - one inch shorter but the same weight. I say try a recomp - the gut will go away: with time and effort. I only say recomp because I inadvertently did one a few years ago - working out 5-6 days a week with some light cardio added. I was concentrating on getting enough protein and getting stronger - and months later I realized I was the same weight but my pants were loose and my shirt sleeves were getting tighter.

    I am back at it after a rough year -just shedding a few pounds before I focus on getting back to where I was - at roughly the same weight. With better muscles.

    Whatever you choose - it’s just about time and consistency. And protein. More or less.

    Don’t know if one way is better than another. Maybe about preference or what will motivate you more?

    Edit: and I fully realize there’s a difference in muscle gains for men vs women... you will probably see you gains sooner than I will. Recomp suggestion - food for thought and another option.
  • ehspeed
    ehspeed Posts: 6 Member
    Haha big arms! Thank you guys, I’ll switch it up to lose the belly when I am satisfied with the size.