Chinese Buffet

Tonight were going out to a Chinese buffet ( my mom's choice) and I need help deciding what I should eat there. Their salad bar is more like a fruit bar, and doesn't look appetizing, so I never eat it. Everything they have is drenched in oil, even veggies. I just don't know how I'm going to manage this one without going over my cals. I don't even know how to add this in to my food diary. Does anyone have any suggestions or tips? Thanks!


  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    You have very limited choices, sorry to say. I'd go with egg drop or wonton soup and maybe 1/2 cup of steamed rice.
  • You could make today a "free day", just eat small portions, nothing fried, and not too much sauce.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Use it as your cheat meal & enjoy! Or stick to just veggies & one egg roll/spring roll. or some other carefully picked protein source (beef & vegetables?)
  • grimthegrim
    grimthegrim Posts: 16 Member
    Do they have a hibachi or Mongolian grill? If they do, you choose your own veggies, limit your meet, no sauce, and have them cook it at is. Tell them not to add any oil or butter to the grill, just use water as they cook it.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    I was surprised, but according to the database, egg rolls aren't that bad. Egg drop soup is pretty low cal. I don't know about the place you are going, but our chinese buffet has boiled shrimp. I usually eat a boat load of that when we go as it is pretty low cal as well.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Eat a ton of healthy food before going. That way you're not so hungry there. Seriously nothing in that place is going to be good. Even the salad bar is suspect in those places.
  • Just watch your portions and consider it a "cheat day"!

    Canadian/American Chinese cooking is loaded with sugar and starches (even the vegetables, I'm afraid). Even the sauces may have sugar.

    Enjoy once, in moderation, and then move on!
  • Bumblebee26
    Bumblebee26 Posts: 118 Member
    Ah, the buffet along with the fast food chains, candy and sugars the natural predator of the MFP'er. Is it only a buffet? or can you order off a menu? If so I would try to go that way, or like the above said, rice and small portions of meat and veggies.
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    Theres a chinese buffet near my house that also had a hibachi grill..u can basically get your own ingredients (they have a full line up of different meats, veggies, and white rice)... i pile my plate with zuchini, beans, carrots, brocolli, onions, mushrooms...add a handful of shrimp and/or chicken... 1 spoonful (usually about a 1/2 cup) of white rice and have them put it on the grill with a little sriracha (a korean hot sauce) and some soy sauce and usually get them to add a dash of teriyaki and sesame seeds...its SO yummy and usually the people with me end up forgoing the buffet and following my lead and getting their own personalized meals made on the hibachi grill... if not- id prob go for their chicken and brocolli or their "pepper chicken" (ones you can tell dont have breading) and a little white rice and their mixed vegetebles... but ure right, usually its all loaded with junk. just try to avoid the ones that are smothered in sauce and deep fried :)
  • I would say that you are probably going over. Just try not to blow it, and enjoy yourself! Choose some good meat, lots of veggies and little bit of steamed rice. Our Chinese Buffet also has a sushi section, and grilled meat (the chicken should be pretty low)! The wonton soup is also pretty low, but higher in sodium. Try jello or fruit for dessert if it is an option...

    Good Luck! ;)
  • Go with steamed rice, a serving of protein, and mixed veggies. Whatever you do, don't get the chow mein! That is usually one of the worst things offered. Also, drink plenty of water. The entrees are LOADED with sodium.
  • MamaKatel
    MamaKatel Posts: 180
    Do they have a hibachi or Mongolian grill? If they do, you choose your own veggies, limit your meet, no sauce, and have them cook it at is. Tell them not to add any oil or butter to the grill, just use water as they cook it.

    If I remember correctly I think our Chinese Buffet does have a hibachi grill. Might have to try that out!
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    I just went out to a Chinese Buffet last week and options are pretty limited but I had steamed rice, noodles, grilled asparagus & zuchinni, had to have my favourite thai chicken and had a few other things literally a few bites of the others. Luckily I don't care much for anything breaded and Idon't like sauces for dipping. Chinese is my favourite and when I go I make sure I still enjoy but I don't over indulge. Good Luck
  • for rice choose brown rice. Anything fried say no way! Anything that has sauce on it... nope. Do shrimp cocktail or raw fish or some kind. Usually they have a sushi bar w/ yellow fin tuna and you can do that. That's high protein and good fat for your body to digest. Of course the egg drop. No crab rangoon, egg rolls, or donuts...
  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    Beware the sodium - they should have steamed chicken/broccoli and rice. That would be very healthy. If not - go with some kind of roasted chicken + veggie (kung pao for example, NOT FRIED) - just lay off the extra sauce
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    Whatever you eat, expect a gain in the next day or so from all the sodium. I ate at one on Friday and tried to be good and was freaked when my weight went up the next day until I figured out it was probably water retention from all the sodium in the Chinese food.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I just don't worry about every little thing that's in the food there and just eat tiny portions of the stuff I like. The variety alone is enough to satisfy me without eating like a nutcase!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Start with soup. It will have more sodium than you probably want but will be low calorie and fill you up before you eat other things. A lot of Chinese buffets in my area include a sushi bar. If so, go for that (if you like it). Otherwise stick to veggie dishes and stay away anything breaded.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Go with steamed rice, a serving of protein, and mixed veggies. Whatever you do, don't get the chow mein! That is usually one of the worst things offered. Also, drink plenty of water. The entrees are LOADED with sodium.

    Chow mein is just vegetables (celery, carrots, bean sprouts, onion, cabbage, etc) and a protein in a clear sauce - I get shrimp chow mein all the time as my go-to takeout entree. Are you thinking of lo mein, with the noodles?
  • jocraw66
    jocraw66 Posts: 52
    At our chinese buffet they also have a sushi bar. Sushi is a great choice and on the buffet line go for some egg drop soup and some beef and steamed vegetables with a small amount of rice.