200’s Club: Anyone weigh anywhere in the 200’s? Let’s support one another here!



  • mprocyszyn
    mprocyszyn Posts: 56 Member
    Hi to Healthymom.......I myself am keeping to low carb but a suggestion I would make is have one of those prebottled protein drinks in the truck. I've seen them by the case at Costco so you can keep them there and use as needed or Protein bars ...both of these items are satisfying and have good ingredients in them. If that's not feasable then individual cheese either the Baby Bels or string cheese with an apple or celery sticks. Try to stock your frig with these so you can just grab and go along with the kids stuff. Hopefully this helped a little but NO...NO.. to the chips and don't drink diet sodas.....water drink of choice. Try it out...it might work. Mary from Canada
  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
    Premiere Chocolate Protein at Costco. 160 calories tons of vitivitavegimins.
    Drink lots of water though there is a lot of protein in them.
    Thanks to all who’ve posted. Eat voluminous low calorie food and never go hungry again. Let’s hear from you 200 pounders!
  • zaraizzy
    zaraizzy Posts: 36 Member
    I'm new to mfp! Just started 3 days ago. Have been on and off trying to lose weight for years. My heaviest recorded weight was 400 lbs, and have lost a 103 lbs. However; I have been stuck at 297 lbs, for around a year or so. I had given up! allow personal issues and bad health to get in the way. But I'm thankful I didn't gain all the weight back. Starting new on mfp for New year and would love to join this group. I am a female, 6" tall, weigh 297 lbs, with health issues, Have 117 lbs to go to reach final goal of 180 lbs I am determined and motivated to continue on this journey with some new friends on here. Felt it's better with others having similar struggles good and bad then doing it all alone.

  • 13ecca4
    13ecca4 Posts: 201 Member
    I am.
    I was actually 304 at my heaviest. Currently 276.2 and wanting to be 170
  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
    We have all be saving our best, nicely wrapped, is a warm blanket of insulation,
    and now we are ready to take ourselves out of the box;
    like it was on the day we started to save our smaller selves for another day.

    We can do this.

    One step and another and we will look over and see an whole line of us moving toward the day when we can smugly say to ourselves, "There, I did it.".

    That day, when we are all - one hundred and something pounders we can say, "I was in the group of 200 pounders and we won the war; heroes and heroines, all of us.").

    If it is going past you lips, think and decide.....Yes? or No? Then take the action that suits you best; there is no wrong, just A Steady Stream of Consciousness. In other words....never forget that we all have more than enough stored energy in the form they call fat but we now know is fuel to propel us without having to blindly eat.
  • healthymomma14
    healthymomma14 Posts: 9 Member
    We are all with you; so feel relaxed and post what you feel.
    Use Kroger or better use Google Express - they ship fedex and arrives in about a day and from their site you can order from many stores and Google boxes it up in one box and gets it to you.

    We don't have a Costco or Kroger where I live and Google Express or any grocery delivery service is not available as well. I will start buying more fresh veggies now that the farmers markets are getting ready to start up. Thanks for the suggestions!
  • healthymomma14
    healthymomma14 Posts: 9 Member
    Pre-portioned is definitely something I need to start doing!
  • tuddy315
    tuddy315 Posts: 11,383 Member
    Hi all! I finally got serious Jan 1, 2016. I said "that's enough" at 246 lbs. A year and a half later I was at 163. Since then I have gained back 40 lbs. Now at 203. I have to get serious again because I feel miserable. Glad to see this thread and will keep it on my check list.
  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,395 Member
    CW 223
    GW 150

    I hesitate to post because I have enough going on without the negative comments on my post. Hopefully I won't have that here though 😊 I recently posted looking for car snack ideas because I eat at 6:30 a.m. I leave my house at 7:15 a.m. I get to work by 8:30, after dropping the kids and everyone off at school and such, then make a 2-hour round trip drive from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to our warehouse. I get off between 1:30 and 2 and sometimes don't get to eat lunch until 2:30 or 3:30. During my trip to the warehouse I would usually grab a bag of chips or some other kind of junk food. I'm looking for healthier options. I don't eat out of boredom or habit, like some suggest rudely ("it's only a two-hour Drive why do you need to eat?"). I eat because I'm hungry and can't eat a full meal while driving my truck during my trip to the warehouse. I will usually grab a bag of chips or some other kind of junk food. I want easy and healthier options. I don't eat out of boredom or habit. I eat because I'm hungry and don't want to eat a full meal in my truck.

    Protein & fiber & easy to handle/eat while driving - wraps/burritos w/turkey or chicken slices & lettuce & ?hummus, nuts, cut up veggies, fruit, cooked eggs, yoghurt
  • GuyanaGold21
    GuyanaGold21 Posts: 50 Member
    Pre-portioned is definitely something I need to start doing!

    If I don't weigh or measure my portion sizes, I go end up going way over my daily goal... every time! I love the Kind Nut Butter Filled Honey Almond Butter bars, cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs, Muscle Milk, etc. When I'm craving sugar, 5 plain M&Ms usually does the trick (ok, sometimes it takes 20 - LOL). Good luck... you can do this!

  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
    Obvious as this sounds: if I do not track what I eat; I lose track of what I ate-
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,785 Member
    Obvious as this sounds: if I do not track what I eat; I lose track of what I ate-

    You are so spot on! Today I’m back to tracking. This is my best option of being mindful of how much I eat!


  • Allgaun
    Allgaun Posts: 222 Member
    CW 223
    GW 150

    I hesitate to post because I have enough going on without the negative comments on my post. Hopefully I won't have that here though 😊 I recently posted looking for car snack ideas because I eat at 6:30 a.m. I leave my house at 7:15 a.m. I get to work by 8:30, after dropping the kids and everyone off at school and such, then make a 2-hour round trip drive from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to our warehouse. I get off between 1:30 and 2 and sometimes don't get to eat lunch until 2:30 or 3:30. During my trip to the warehouse I would usually grab a bag of chips or some other kind of junk food. I'm looking for healthier options. I don't eat out of boredom or habit, like some suggest rudely ("it's only a two-hour Drive why do you need to eat?"). I eat because I'm hungry and can't eat a full meal while driving my truck during my trip to the warehouse. I will usually grab a bag of chips or some other kind of junk food. I want easy and healthier options. I don't eat out of boredom or habit. I eat because I'm hungry and don't want to eat a full meal in my truck.

    I have to leave my house at 11 for a noon shift, 11am is to early for lunch but I don't get home until almost 7pm and I do get hungry. I started making a sandwich on a "thin" or Stop and Shop brand low calorie rye bread. It's easy to weigh the meat before I leave. In a pinch I go to "Subway" and get a 6" with ham, veggies and mustard, no cheese. I do carry 100 calorie granola bars in my bag for an emergency snack attack
  • myfitnesspalacios
    myfitnesspalacios Posts: 55 Member
    When 185, forty years ago,
    282.7 was laughable.
    Today I rejoiced
    as that is what the scale read out was.
    We were all so young
    and did not know how beautiful.
    Grateful to be amongst you.
    We can do this.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,785 Member
    What is your Non Scale Victiory today?
    Mine is walking 10k steps and logging my food yesterday. The scale was the same thus morning.... but I’m feeling fine!

    Happy Friday!

  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,395 Member
    Made it to the gym this am. Blew it off too many times in Feb so I'm glad.
  • GuyanaGold21
    GuyanaGold21 Posts: 50 Member
    When I started my weight loss journey again this year, I DREADED the idea of getting into my jeans... I had two pair that "fit" very tight, and both were shredded in the inner thigh area. The past couple of weeks I noticed that I can now COMFORTABLY wear my newer jeans that had been hiding in the drawer under my old shredded jeans... They are the same size, but not thin and stretched out. I am excited about my NSV!! :)

    I am also a bit nervous. I weighed in this week at 201... SO CLOSE to Onederland. I've been here before, during past attempts to lose weight. Then I quit/crashed/lost motivation - whatever!! This time I still feel strong. It is OK go enter Onderland, I keep telling myself. It is a safe place. I can go there this week or next. The last time I was there was in 2013, and only for a few days. I can break this mental barrier and keep going. Please wish me luck, because for some irrational reason, I find it frightening.

    Good luck to all in the 200’s Club! Thank you for sharing your inspiring stories, struggles, and support! <3
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,395 Member
    When I started my weight loss journey again this year, I DREADED the idea of getting into my jeans... I had two pair that "fit" very tight, and both were shredded in the inner thigh area. The past couple of weeks I noticed that I can now COMFORTABLY wear my newer jeans that had been hiding in the drawer under my old shredded jeans... They are the same size, but not thin and stretched out. I am excited about my NSV!! :)Wahoo - a better fit, you're doing great!
    I am also a bit nervous. I weighed in this week at 201... SO CLOSE to Onederland. I've been here before, during past attempts to lose weight. Then I quit/crashed/lost motivation - whatever!! This time I still feel strong. It is OK go enter Onderland, I keep telling myself. It is a safe place. I can go there this week or next. The last time I was there was in 2013, and only for a few days. I can break this mental barrier and keep going. Please wish me luck, because for some irrational reason, I find it frightening.This. Whenever I start doing well and actually see a loss, turn on myself and throw it away. Will NOT listen/hear the negative voice

    Good luck to all in the 200’s Club! Thank you for sharing your inspiring stories, struggles, and support! <3

  • machausta
    machausta Posts: 10 Member
    SD - 1/6/19
    SW - 299.6
    CW - 270.0

    I was almost in the '300s club', but I promised myself to never get there. I've blown out several pairs of jeans and shirts...Giving in was not an option.