Looking for accountability friends!

Hi just joined again and looking for some grounds to motivate eachother. I'm 51 in UK, and would love to lose 2 stones. Currently 13 st 0.7lbs want to get to 11st for my first goal! Any help would be greatly appreciated. I keep going between calorie counting and WW and want to stop this cycle.


  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    WW is all about accountability.
    I'm not really into accountability.
    To me, accountability is about pride and shame, both external forces that I don't like as motivators.

    For me it is all about internal forces called habits.
    Calorie counting is a measure behavior
    Behavior is mostly driven by habits.

    Learning generally about habits and how to modify responses to triggers,
    then applying that learning to deeply understand and modify our personal habits have long-lasting impacts.

    For example, after some bad eating behavior, I pondered my situation and realized, when I watched food tv I ate a snack. My trigger was watching food tv and my response was having a snack. In this case, I could avoid the trigger by not watching food tv. Other habits, where the trigger can't be avoided, can be recognized and the undesired behavior (bad eating) replaced by a less harmful behavior.

    Learning to evaluate and modify our habits help permanently improve all areas of life