Post Partum

I’m 6 weeks post cesarean and trying to get this baby weight down. My app says I should be consuming 1300 calories a day, but google says breastfeeding requires more like 2200 and up calories a day. Anyone experienced this dilemma before? I’m eating very healthy and making sure to get healthy fats, protein, calcium and vitamins. But now I’m confused on the caloric intake...


  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    Breastfeeding calories should be handled by a lactation team. Breastfeeding does require more calories for baby and you. Include lots of water too.
    I would hate to see you starve yourself as well as baby!
  • dippy_duck
    dippy_duck Posts: 18 Member
    Hey! Congratulations on having a baby :-) I had my little girl 9 months ago and am currently trying to lose weight while breastfeeding. I read somewhere that the minimum calories you should eat while breastfeeding is 1800 and as I am short I gave myself that as my calorie goal. Mfp thinks I should be maintaining my weight on those calories. In the month I have been on Mfp I have lost weight so breastfeeding is creating a good deficit for me.

    The important thing is if you feel like you’re really hungry then you probably are 1 breastfeeding and sleep deprivation really take it out of you. If i have to eat more on some days then I do (within reason)! I’ve just accepted that weight loss will br slow for me while breastfeeding. The most important thing is having enough milk for bubs :-)

    I did read somewhere that you shouldn’t be trying to lose weight before 12 weeks pp to let your body recover so maybe check with a doctor?

    If you want to add me for support please feel free
  • mrstpavolini
    mrstpavolini Posts: 3 Member
    I am 4 months pp and I was losing weight at 1800 cal a day. My milk has been fine but I all of a sudden stopped losing weight. I went down to 1600 calories and I gained a pound. Not sure what’s going on!! I may have to go back up to 1800
  • blondywyn
    blondywyn Posts: 8 Member
    You haven't mentioned whether you are going back to work or not. I also had a c-section and returned to work when my baby was 14 weeks. I kept up with breastfeeding while using a pump until my baby was just over six months old and then had to stop as between working, pumping and interrupted sleep (husband did the first night feed but my girl woke at least twice and mostly three times per night until she was a year old) I was just plain exhausted. I wasn't calorie counting at all during this time but my weight naturally went down to 2 kilos (about 5 pounds) above pre-pregnancy weight and just stayed there. I wasn't able to shift the last kilos until after weaning.
    Remember also that your abdominal muscles and all associated nerves have been cut. This takes several months to knit back together. My baby is now 20 months old and only in the last month have I started to define my kangaroo pouch stomach. I still don't have full feeling in that patch of skin.
    Morale of the story - you just grew a person inside you and you are amazing just the way you are right now. You will be needing your energy over the next wee while as this time is when you are actually eating for two!
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    Six weeks is really early to start restricting, especially trying such a large deficit (or trying to drop it fast). Let your supply stabilize, and get through the first few major baby growth spurts.

    THink of it this way: All the calories your baby is getting are coming from you -- and it takes some additional calories of energy to create the milk. Look at the calorie count of formula and realize that your baby is eating hundreds of calories a day -- all of which is coming out of you -- ESPECIALLY the vital nutrients. IF you deprive yourself, it will pull those nutrients from your bones, teeth, and muscles.

    WHen I was nursing, not only was I not counting calories, but I was constantly hungry, occasionally found myself eating eggs and meat in a semi-fugue state, and still dropped to my lowest weight since high school.
  • miss_goodwin
    miss_goodwin Posts: 7 Member
    edited February 2019
    Thank you all for your encouragement, support, and insights. I’m so inspired by some of your journeys! I’m meeting with my obgyn Monday for my 6 week follow up so I will consult with him and show him my food journal. I’m feeling great and even started some light cardio like Zumba (but I hang completed an entire video yet and take it easier than usual). I’ve realized with this app I’m eating less calories than usual, but that’s because I’m choosing healthier options based on what I’m missing in my diet for the day (mostly protein) or have too much of (sugar always!). Do you guys notice yourselves adjusting your meals throughout the day too?? I love the graphs and charts as visual aids!
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I didn't adjust anything the first 12 weeks after a c-section. Your baby is relying on you fully for nutrition and your abdominal muscles are healing. I'd rather wait for full recovery than mess something up and have to have a set back. :noway:

    I also was one of those women who couldn't lose while BFing no matter what. I wasn't willing to cut my calories so low it affected my supply.