Looking for friends

Hi, I am back on My Fitness Pal and looking for some friends. I am following a Keto lifestyle right now and working on loosing weight. I have lost 30 pounds so far and have at least another 30 or more to go.


  • tashalloyd330
    tashalloyd330 Posts: 28 Member
    added you :) I just started keto.
  • melanieclark777
    melanieclark777 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm not new ... I just fell off the wagon ... I weighed 375 at me heaviest ... I lost 250 lbs ... and my weight has been between 120-128 since 2012 ... Today I got on the scale and I weigh 133 ... that's not so bad I said ... but the kicker is that my BMI is off the chart at 133 where it has been 128 for years ... I have decide to get back to My Fitness Pal to get back on track ... My exercise is nil ... I have not made time for it because of going straight to bed from being so tired of having so many hours working ... I have a full time job and a part time job ... I get 60 hours a week between them ... NO MORE EXCUSES ... I have got to make changes in eating healthy again and counting those calories like I used to ... I am not mentally there yet to get the exercise into my schedule ... I'll get there just not yet ... I would love to join this to gain the motivation ... I'm in if that's ok for me to join ... Any insights would be helpful ... Thanks!!!!!
  • rhunwelshbowman
    rhunwelshbowman Posts: 37 Member
    Wow I wish I had lost that much weight good on you! :)
  • sdavidfuchs
    sdavidfuchs Posts: 21 Member
    Great job! Sounds like you have some dedication!
  • karld70
    karld70 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, looking for a buddy or 2 to enjoy the journey with, Im not following anything particular. i just keep away from sugar as much as possible, keep the carbs down (but not out), eat plenty of protein and veggies and count calories.
    i exercise 3-4 times a week . works for me. Christmas and holidays are my healthy eating destroyers! I dislike the word diet!
  • karld70
    karld70 Posts: 46 Member
    edited February 2019
    melanieclark re: exercise, if you want something thats quick, cheap, you can do at home and is effective at burning calories and toning your muscles - you could do a lot worse than getting yourself a decent skipping rope and some good tunes. even just 10 minutes skipping can really be so effective at getting you into serious shape.
    google or youtube skipping and see the benefits for yourself. beats running hands down.
  • craigbennettis
    craigbennettis Posts: 25 Member
    How do you add friends?