Carbs vs. calories

Hi this may be a dumb question, but how important is it to remain within your carb limit? I stay within my calorie limit. Has anyone had success ignoring their carbs and paying attention to only calories and vice versa? I am not interested in Keto or fad diets. I obviously like carbs a bit too much.


  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    My split is basically 50% carbs, 30% fats and 20% protein. I go over my carb goal pretty frequently and it hasn't affected my weight loss because calories are what matter for that.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I like carbs too. :smiley:

    When I lost my excess weight I set minimum goals in grams for protein and fat and the rest of my daily calorie allowance could come from whatever macro I wanted or needed on any particular day within the context of an overall healthy diet.

    As a long distance cyclist I have some spectacularly high carb days but my weight tracks my long term calorie intake.
  • confidenceinrain
    confidenceinrain Posts: 104 Member
    I don't restrict my carbs at all, just make sure they fit into my calories. Down 26 pounds so far. A calorie is a calorie.

    The caveat being that some types of carbs (GARLIC BREAD UGH) can make you hold on to some water weight and make the scale look higher than it should be. Don't mistake water weight for fat gain, as long as you are sure of your food weighing etc you should be fine.
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    I've lost over 40pds ignoring carbs. I just watch overall calories and keep an eye on say protein, sugar and fat. (I tend to eat too much sugar and not enough fat so that's more a health thing than a weight loss thing)
  • zeejane03
    zeejane03 Posts: 993 Member
    edited February 2019
    Back during my active weight loss phase I didn't track macros at all-only my calorie intake (did the fancy paper/pencil tracking method lol). Lost the extra weight and improved all my health markers.

    Fast forward to now, I'm in a small weight loss cut to get rid of some vanity maintenance pounds. At this point in the process (7ish years), I've got a good handle on what foods are more filling for me etc. Tracking my intake right now and I'm eating over 200 carbs most days. Still losing weight right on schedule, because I'm hitting my calorie targets.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I got at least 60% of my calories from carbohydrates when I was losing weight, it didn't seem to cause any problems for me. As long as you're getting sufficient protein and fat, how many carbohydrates to eat is just a matter of personal preference.
  • garystrickland357
    garystrickland357 Posts: 598 Member
    I lost 80 pounds last year and never worried about carbs. If you manage a consistent calorie deficit you'll lose weight. I'm a cyclist and runner as well - some days I eat loads of carbs. The only macro I pay attention to is protein. Fat and Carbs fluctuate depending on what I eat.
  • HereToLose50
    HereToLose50 Posts: 154 Member
    I pay attention to the calories mostly for my overall day.

    I'm not low carb but I do have better results by delaying the bulk of my carb intake until afternoon or evening. I found if I have a carb heavy breakfast without much protein or fat that I am hungrier more often through the day. Balancing carb/protein/fat at breakfast does improve my hunger/cravings, but I still end up wanting to eat more than normal.

    With that in mind, different people have different results. Some people can eat carbs all day long and not trigger extra hunger and easily stay within calorie limits.
  • alexmose
    alexmose Posts: 792 Member
    I should have been more specific. I am in recomp, not loss.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    alexmose wrote: »
    Has anyone had success ignoring their carbs and paying attention to only calories and vice versa?
    Yes. I also ignore carbs, but not fiber. My goal is a minimum 25g fiber, 50g fat & 100g protein (within calorie goal). This will keep me full regardless of what I eat after these minimums are met. It’s a bit more fat & protein than the formulas say I technically *need* but it’s the key to satiety for me. Some days I’m 50% calories from carbs, some days only 30% carbs. There’s a broad range that works for me.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    alexmose wrote: »
    Hi this may be a dumb question, but how important is it to remain within your carb limit? I stay within my calorie limit. Has anyone had success ignoring their carbs and paying attention to only calories and vice versa? I am not interested in Keto or fad diets. I obviously like carbs a bit too much.

    I lost 75 pounds eating as many carbs as I could fit into my calories. Literally paid no attention to them. Lost weight because I was in an energy balance.

    I ate too low carb for a while and was not able to perform at a high level on a road bike or cross country skiing.

    "Blue zones" are places where people live much longer and healthier than average. They're also places where people get most of their calories from carbs.
  • SeattleBebop1
    SeattleBebop1 Posts: 26 Member
    As kimny72 said, individual satiety is key. I started avoiding carbs for breakfast (like HeretoLose) because it spiked my blood sugar up too high and really made me hungry. I eat bacon and eggs instead, and then for a midmorning snack, I have veggies like carrots and tomatoes instead of the Cutie mandarins.

    However, I do not pay attention to carbs when hiking and I simply eat whatever my body tells me it needs.