Motivational Movers 08/23

Hello everyone!

Yesterday started off bad when I left my house. I was so exhausted from the jam packed weekend, I was in a complete fog until I had my coffee at work. But I went to Subways and had a yummy turkey and veg on whole wheat. Got a great surprise when co-worker came in with fresh tuna he caught over the weekend. YUM

This morning was much better. Got up an did my Firm video, remembered my lunch which I just had....I went back to my childhood and made english muffin pizzas with a side salad. DOUBLE YUM :bigsmile:

Going to take a brisk walk for lunch....having dinner with friends tonight...Mexican. There really is no way to eat good with mexican..LOL

Hope everyone's day is off to a good start!!



  • rluxie
    rluxie Posts: 18 Member
    I had fish tacos for the first time this month, super good, and I was afraid to try them forever. 2 fish tacos are approximately 400 calories. Go easy on the chips and load em up with the salsa. Only 40 calories for a half cup of salsa. That's a lot of salsa :bigsmile: so just make sure each chip has tons of salsa on it so you will fill up on the salsa and not the chips. And have a great time. Try a skinny margarita too if you're so inclined.
  • maritza327
    maritza327 Posts: 100 Member
    I am definitely going to try those tonight! Thanks for the tip :bigsmile: :bigsmile: