What to do with the excess

Corig22 Posts: 31 Member
edited October 1 in Fitness and Exercise
I hope this does not sound silly, but I have heard different things about the excess skin some people have after losing a signifigant amount of weight. Real excess baggage so to speak. So I am putting the question out there, what can be done about it? Can it be prevented?


  • its not a silly question, i was talking about this with my partner the other day as when i get down to my goal weight i'm worried i'm going to have a lot of overhang

    i would be interested if there is anything i can be doing to prevent this
  • sweettoothfairy
    sweettoothfairy Posts: 212 Member
    The only way to avoid it is to lose weight gradually and include a lot of strength training.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Mine has slowly started to reabsorb..hoping this is a continuing trend as I continue to lose. I am also doing some toning exercises now with my strength training so I think that is definately helping.
  • I was, and am, worried of the same and posted a topic on it with some good feedback :

  • I don't have an answer, but over the years I have noticed that some people lose a significant amount of weight and their skin shrinks with them while others end up saggy and baggy. I've always wondered if it is genetics, age, excercise, rate of weight loss, or just luck! I'll be interested to see the answers to this one.
  • arshenk
    arshenk Posts: 1

    If you have insurance and have lost a significant amount of weight, most insurance companies will pay for it. You should call your insurance carrier and see what circumstances are covered with weight loss skin removal surgery.
  • This is a worry for all of us! Please post any suggestions!
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