New to counting calories


I have always done weight watchers to lose weight. I've been very successful on WW, last time losing 25 pounds in 2017. Gained some back due to an unfortunate loss in pregnancy.. long story. Anyways, WW has changed their program and I do not agree with it, so i'm not doing it. I have decided to cut calories and work out. I have generally good eating habits, i think my portions have just been off. So, I've decided to set a 1,200 calorie budget for myself. I am 27 years old, Female, 5' 5", my current weight is 177. (I was 180 ish but I've lost some over the past few weeks) I have a desk job, but have committed to at least 30 minutes a day of walking on my treadmill (at a 4mph rate) for now. I have about 30 pounds total to lose to where I feel comfortable. I am personally choosing to lose this weight before we try to get pregnant again. So, my question is, is 1,200 a good starting point? It seems to be working fine. Some days I don't hit exactly 1,200 I'm a little lower, but I'm not starving myself. I'd like to lose 1-1.5 pounds a week. I'm driving myself crazy reading online how many calories I need to lose weight - every site says something different.




  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    1200 is likely needlessly too low.

    agree with the above, put your stats in MFP, eat what it recommends for 1-1.5 loss per week AND EAT BACK YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES.

    some helpful reading:
  • jessackerman21
    jessackerman21 Posts: 44 Member
    I'd gnaw my arm off at 1200 calories.

    That being said - do you use a food scale to insure you are actually eating the amount of calories you think you are? The majority of people suck at eyeballing portions.

    I am weighing all my food on a scale.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I'd gnaw my arm off at 1200 calories.

    That being said - do you use a food scale to insure you are actually eating the amount of calories you think you are? The majority of people suck at eyeballing portions.

    I am weighing all my food on a scale.

    Yay! That's great. And you're eating back at least some of your exercise calories? 50-75% of them?
  • jessackerman21
    jessackerman21 Posts: 44 Member
    I'd gnaw my arm off at 1200 calories.

    That being said - do you use a food scale to insure you are actually eating the amount of calories you think you are? The majority of people suck at eyeballing portions.

    I am weighing all my food on a scale.

    Yay! That's great. And you're eating back at least some of your exercise calories? 50-75% of them?

    I chose the option to not eat back my calories that I exercised. Should I change that? Also, I just did what everyone suggested an plugged my info into MFP and it actually gave me 1,200 to lose 1.5 pounds per week with 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week. So, I guess I should try that out?
  • jessackerman21
    jessackerman21 Posts: 44 Member
    How did you decide on 1,200? I personally would just start with the deficit MFP suggested for me and adjust from there if you need. 1,200 is the very lowest a woman should generally go and it's likely you'd be able to eat more and still lose the weight you'd like to lose.

    I actually just went and entered my info in like you suggested and for a 1.5 pound loss per week with 30 min. of exercise 5 days a week it gave me 1,200 calories.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    You're supposed to log exercise and eat some of those calories. MFP doesn't have an option to bypass that (unless it's a Premium feature? I don't have Premium).
  • jessackerman21
    jessackerman21 Posts: 44 Member
    Yes, it's a premium feature. You can choose to "turn it off"
  • jessackerman21
    jessackerman21 Posts: 44 Member
    Yes, it's a premium feature. You can choose to "turn it off"

    If you turn it off, then you are choosing to eat using TDEE which should equal more calories daily because your exercise is factored in. At 5'5, 177 lbs, with light exercise, you should be shooting for around 1500 calories a day.


    Thanks for the info!!