finding onederland

wanna_be_free Posts: 210 Member
ive been trying to hit the 100's since 2012 when i dropped to around 174lbs from 223lbs. since then ive been through such a lot physically and emotionally and im back to 243lbs :(
my goal for this year is to get back in the 100's and stay there. 44lbs sounds like a mamouth task but im ready for it. anyone else in a similar situation?


  • Allgaun
    Allgaun Posts: 222 Member
    Been there, done that. In 2017 I went from 216 to 185...and leveled off for several weeks. I just got frustrated with the lack of movement with the scale. I stopped logging and stepped away. 2 years later I was back up to 213. I'm trying to stay strong this time and not let a stall throw me.

    I did keep some of the good habits, I continued to weigh pasta before I cooked it, I split my dinner in restaurants and always take home half for another meal. Luckily in NY chain restaurants are required to list calories on the menu so I do try to make good choices.
  • taziarj
    taziarj Posts: 243 Member
    edited February 2019
    I feel the pain. I have been through this twice now. As early as August of last year I was around 195lbs. Now I am back up to 250lbs. I did the same thing back in 2016 and in 2017 I started exercising and eating better and by May of 2018 I was at my lowest. Well ever since August 2018, I ate crap and stopped exercising at the end of November before heading out on two cruises. So here I am, back on it, went back to the gym starting today and started logging again. I did log on and off over the last six months, but once I had a bad day or ate awful, I would stop. I need to learn that this isn't an all or nothing.
  • taziarj
    taziarj Posts: 243 Member
    As a follow up, as I didn't realize this was in the, I had a challenge group that I was a moderator of a couple years ago. It was small but I found it helped me out a lot. It started bigger but a lot of people pooped out by the second or third week of each month. I may look in to reviving that again. I don't really like those big monthly challenge threads.
  • noegrand123
    noegrand123 Posts: 166 Member
    I am currently at 234. Really would love to join this group!
  • taziarj
    taziarj Posts: 243 Member
    I have rebooted my group. It was originally a lost 4-6lbs a month group, but I am bringing the Onderland in it too since that is what we seem to be looking for. Feel free to join.
  • wanna_be_free
    wanna_be_free Posts: 210 Member
    1lb down so far :/ oh well ive got to start somewhere i suppose.
    starting weight: 243
    current weight:242
    goal weight: 199
    43lbs to go before the end of this year
  • squirley13
    squirley13 Posts: 112 Member
    Onederland! Yes! I want to get back there also! I accept this challenge and it is my goal in life as I haven’t been there in years. I can’t believe I have only gained weight for 8 years and haven’t lost until January when I’m trying to do a lifestyle change with Keto and Intermittent fasting. Eating right and exercising excessively hadn’t worked at all in 5 years so doctor said I should change. I’m not great at either but at least I’ve seen the scale drop. I’m down 22 lbs but have so much more left! Hopefully I get there in summer.
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    I just made it there the other day! Now I just want it to stick!
  • noegrand123
    noegrand123 Posts: 166 Member
    Go squirley! U can do it!

    I am breaking it down into small steps! So want to get down there!
  • MNgettingfit
    MNgettingfit Posts: 4 Member
    I am so close 202.
  • CountryGal83
    CountryGal83 Posts: 640 Member
    In 2015 I lost 70 pounds. Started at 256 and got down to 186. Now currently sitting at 230, ugh!! I am in a toxic relationship and so I have drowned my pain with food. I hate being an emotional eater. I am taking things one day at a time and I am determined to get back into onederland and STAY there! Taking small goals. First goal is 15 pounds. Big/End goal is to be down 80 pounds to put me at 150 pounds. I would LOVE to be at 120 (I'm only 5'3") but I don't know if that is something I can maintain. But trying not to get ahead of myself. One step at a time. First is down 15 pounds. Taking it 15 pounds at a time. No time limit, just one pound at a time.
  • noegrand123
    noegrand123 Posts: 166 Member
    Countrygal I do the exact same thing and you are right we must stop doing this to ourselves!

    You can do it! Take it one hour at a time!

    Right now, I am working on not letting one slip up ruin my entire day. I seem to think, well, I’ve ruined this day I might as well eat whatever I want......which is wrong thinking!!! Hard habits to break but we can do it!!!
  • wanna_be_free
    wanna_be_free Posts: 210 Member
    weighing in at 242lbs so 43 to go
  • MNgettingfit
    MNgettingfit Posts: 4 Member
    Small steps for me. 200.6
  • wanna_be_free
    wanna_be_free Posts: 210 Member
    241lbs... 42 to go
  • lx1x
    lx1x Posts: 38,323 Member
    edited March 2019
    Great job wbf.. 👍👍
  • noegrand123
    noegrand123 Posts: 166 Member
    Hi all! Great progress! Keep going!
  • squirley13
    squirley13 Posts: 112 Member
    edited March 2019
    Coming back to report 5 pounds closer! I have to get back to Onederland and then lose another 40 pounds to goal! First goal is to see that scale not have a 2 in front! Hoping others here push though and keep changing up exercises and learn healthier recipes. Timing is important also to avoid plateaus. We can do this! We will feel great! That is what keeps me motivated. Here’s to another week of perseverance!
  • MNgettingfit
    MNgettingfit Posts: 4 Member
    day 3 at 197.9
  • noegrand123
    noegrand123 Posts: 166 Member
    Hi Squirley and MNgettingfit! Great job girls! Gives all of us hope to get there!!! Thanks for posting!